Chapter 25

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~The Next Day~

Papyrus woke up to see Sans sleeping peacefully. "Hm... Sans is so cute when he's sleeping." Papyrus smiled and blushed as he leaned over, pecking his brothers cheek. "I'll be right back Sans." Papyrus slowly got up out of bed and went down the hallway to the bathroom. "I hope Sans doesn't wake up and think I'm dead or something."

~Back to Sans~

Sans woke up in the forest, his whole body cold from the snow. He knew he was in a familiar place. It was the place where Frisk had killed him in that one alternate reality. His body was shook up and he could barely move. The only thing that was left of Papyrus was his scarf. His red, lifeless scarf.

Then, Sans was actually woken up by Papyrus. Sans looked up at Papyrus, tears flooding his eyes. "Paps! I thought you were dead!" Sans grabbed his brother and pulled him into a hug.

Papyrus sighed, hugging Sans back. "I'm still here, Sans. There's nothing to be afraid of." Sans sniffled and sobbed. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you Paps! I'm sorry!" Papyrus tilted his head and pulled Sans into a tighter hug. "I'm fine Sans, honestly."

Mettaton came bursting into the room, running over towards Sans and Papyrus. "Papy what happened?!" Papyrus sighed. "Sans had that dream again." Mettaton nodded and slowly walked out of the room. "Let me know if anything else happens." Papyrus nodded. "I will."

Sans tightened his grip on Papyrus's shirt. Papyrus laid him down into bed and laid next to him. "Let's go back to bed, Sans. I'll lay right here so you won't have to feel lonely." Sans nodded and closed his eyes.

Papyrus closed his eyes as well.

"Goodnight Sans."


Sans shot right up, his body sweaty. "I had that same dream again." He looked next to him to see that Papyrus was still there.

Sans sighed and laid back down. "I hate having that dream, but I know someday it'll happen." Then, he heard Papyrus grumble something soft. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Papyrus woke up and opened one eye, looking over at Sans. "Did you say something Sans?"

Sans didn't move a muscle, then let out a loud snore. He was asleep again.

~Later again~

Sans woke up again, his body still covered in sweat. He looked over and saw that Papyrus wasn't next to him. He sighed and got out of bed. "Now I have to go find Paps."

Sans quickly walked over to the bedroom and opened the door. He couldn't hear anything from upstairs. He walked over to his room and peeked in. No one.

He sighed and walked downstairs to see Mettaton sitting on the couch, eating some chips and watching TV. Sans walked over towards Mettaton and crossed his arms. "Where's Papyrus?"

Mettaton pointed towards the kitchen and turned his attention back to the TV.

Sans quickly walked over to the kitchen, his body getting sweaty again, tears slowly filling his eyes. He peeked inside and saw Papyrus making a giant bowl of spaghetti. "Hey Paps."
Papyrus turned and smiled at Sans. "Good morning Sans! I'm making dinner, then I'm going to play in the snow with Frisk!"

Sans widened his eyes and shook his head, grabbing Papyrus's scarf and tugging on it slightly. "You can't go play with Frisk, it'll be dangerous."

Papyrus tilted his head and went back to stirring the spaghetti. "I don't know what you're going on about Sans."

Sans sighed and went back into the living room and sat next to Mettaton. "He doesn't get that if he goes out there with Frisk, he'll die like in my dream." Mettaton shrugged. "Maybe he doesn't know that he's going to die if he goes out there."

Sans shrugged back. "Maybe."


Sans sighed as he walked from Grillby's over to his house. Before he opened the front door of his house, he could see a tall figure and a small figure. As he slowly got closer, he could see that it was Frisk and Papyrus.

He could see Frisk holding something but couldn't quite make out what it was. It was something sharp.

Sans widened his eyes and started running over towards them. But he felt slow, as if time was pulling him back. Sans called out to Frisk, but Frisk didn't hear him.

Then, it was too late. As Sans stopped, he saw a huge slash in Papyrus, then Frisk ran off.

He ran over to the only thing that was left behind of Papyrus.

His red, lifeless scarf.

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