*-Chapter 8-*

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"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? What happened?" I ask extensively traumatized. Her face is covered in blood and her eyes red from all the crying. I helped her out of the bath and into the shower where I started to wash the blood of her skin. "I heard a noise in the kitchen and panicked" she starts explaining. "I took the bat next to the coach and walked to the kitchen" She continues, "It was dark and I saw a figure. I then hit him with the bat and when I turned the light on..." she pauses "I saw your brother. I turned around and wanted to run away but ran into the cubit instead. I don't know what I was thinking, I'm sorry"

Ava was abused by her previous father. It went on for years and she never said anything. One day her mom walked in on her dad hitting her and she immediately divorced him. This was a long time ago and I think she was afraid I was ganna do something to her because she hit my brother.

"Don't be sorry, he needed hit to the head. If you didn't do it, I would've" I say and surprisingly, she smiles. I helped her clean herself up and treated her wounds. After that, I gave her some sugar water for the shock and put her to bed. Now, my brother's turn. I sigh. I shook him to wake him up, gave him some water to drink and held some ice to his head. It doesn't look serious, I don't know I'm not a doctor. I basically carried him to bed. He wouldn't stop moaning.

I gave him a pill for the pain and a pill to make him sleep and tucked him in, its a cold night. Then I cleaned the house and what a mission it was. I finished at 7 o'clock the next morning and I went to check up on Jason. His face was covered in discomfort and he was sweating like hell. I started to worry. I called Page. "Come on, come on, pick up" I say as if she can hear me. It goes to voice mail. I called Michael, "Hello" I hear him say in a deep sleepy voice. "I need you to take me and my brother to the hospital, like NOW!" I almost jump through the phone. "Okay, I'm coming!" he says alerted. I tried to get my brother downstairs, but he's too weak to walk by himself and I can't carry him again. I left a note for Ava:

Hey Ava

I took Jason to the hospital, just to make sure he is okay, nothing serious.


I hear Mikey park outside. He helped me carry Jason to the car. The drive to the hospital felt like forever. I sat in the back seat with Jason's head on my lap and played with his hair. When we finally got to the hospital, Mikey carried Jason inside and I followed. Staying calm, I tried to get help as Mikey put Jason down. Nurses came and carried him away. They think he has a concussion. Page texted me.

Page: You called?

Thanks a lot, 'best friend'

Me: Yeah, I needed a ride to the hospital, but Michael took me. We think Jason has a concussion.

Page: I'm coming!

After about a half an hour, Page showed up. I was sitting with Michael, drinking coffee. I thanked him for his help and that's all when we spoke. "Oh my gosh, what happened!?" Page asks as she hugged me. I told her the whole story. A nurse approached us, "Alex?" she asks unsure, I stand up, "Yes?" She smiles, "Your brother is going to be fine, he doesn't have a concussion and there is no signs of other damages. We are just ganna keep him here for a few hours to make sure he is okay, we'll call you"

"Okay, thank you" I say relieved. I took my jacket, showed Page and Michael that we are leaving and head to the door. Page gave me one last hug before getting in her car, "I'll check in on you later tonight" she says. I got in the car with Michael. "Can we talk?" I ask him. His face softens. "I'm sorry for the way acted about the whole Johnnie thing. It's your life, you can make your own decisions" he apologies quickly. I smiled and gave him a hug.

I love you guys, aka just LukeBrookMyHeart, you are awesome!

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