*-Chapter 10-*

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We had the whole week to plan for the big day so Page, Ava and I went to my house to see what our options are. None of us were impressed by my closet, "We have to go shopping" Page says with a disgusted expression on her face. "Agreed" Ava backs her up. Yes, I could use an update. "Okay, but I'm kinda broke right now so we need to compromise?" I say. We decided to go through Ava's drawer and I tried on over 10 different outfits, only to be rejected.

The next day we then went over to Page's, she has really nice clothes. She took out flowing white dress from the back of her closet. At first I wasn't impress with the thought of wearing a dress but I tried it on and it fit perfectly and it was really comfortable. It had a V neck line and was just above my knees. I loved the material.

Through out the week, the girls gave me so much information and tips about the date on how I should act and react. I was overwhelmed.

Friday we went back to my place where I took a shower. With washed hair and shaved legs, the girls tackled my hair and make-up. I felt like a - I would say a princess but it sounds to girly - queen. Ava straightened my hair and Page did my make-up, not over doing it.

When I finally did take a look in mirror, I was dazzled. We heard a knock on the door. It felt I was about to explode. This wasn't my first date but this is my first date with Johnnie besides the family dinner. I took a deep breath. I can do this.

I walked downstairs and found my brother talking to Johnnie by the door. They were smiling so Jason wasn't giving Johnnie a lecture, taking over the daddy role. Johnnie then saw me and his jaw basically dropped. This was a first.

I blushed and smiled a shy smile looking at my feet, acting all cute. He was dressed in a tux and he's dark hair was perfectly styled making my jaw wanting to drop. So we are going somewhere fancy. "Wow" he says still blown away. "Yeah sis, well done" Jason adds applauding me. That gave me an ego boost.

"Shall we?" I ask all formal taking his arm with and walking out the door with my jacket over my other arm. I looked back and saw two jealous faces just staring at me. I smiled. "So, where are we going?" I ask curious. "You'll see" he says secretly, acting all mysterious and what not. He's so cute.

We parked in front of a restaurant, called, wait for it... Fancy! (with an exclamation mark, well done world) "I asked Siri for a fancy restaurant and this was the only one in town" he says. "I love it!" I say excitedly jumping out of the car to examine the building from a better view.

It's just a normal square building. It was painted grey and a big flashing sign right in the middle that reads: FANCY! It's a cute, wannabe 5 star restaurant but I liked it.

We strolled inside heading to the counter where a friendly middle age man greeted us, "Do you have reservations?" he asks. "Guilbert" Johnnie answered. "Right this way" the man smiled and led us to our table.

Johnnie pulled out my chair, I took a seat, thanked him and then he took his across from mine. "You know, you don't have to take me out to a fancy restaurant to impress me" I say taking in my surrounding. "I wanted to do something nice" he says.

The waiter brought us wine in a bucket of ice. "May I?" he asks and Johnnie nods in response. I've never really had alcohol so it was kinda scary. After the waiter poured the wine, we took a sip and may I just say, it was delicious! It was sweet and it bubbled in my mouth.

"Would you like a menu or chef's choice?" the waiter asks with a satisfying look on his face. Johnnie first looked at me and then answered, "Chef's choice sounds lovely" The waiter left. I leaned in after taking another sip of my sparkling magic "You know, chef's choice is just the left overs other people didn't eat?" I say joking around. He chuckles.

We started talking, like nonstop! We talked about the past - memories - and the future, where we see ourselves in ten years. "I see myself fat, lying on a coach and drinking wine while having a conversation with my cat" I said serious while taking another sip from my fourth glass of wine and he laughed his ass off.

He told me about his dreams of becoming a musician and not just a pianist. He wanted to start a band and travel all over the world. I was fascinated by all his stories. He also told me his self harming story. His father died a few years ago of cancer. He died in their previous house. It tore him apart. He started cutting, wanting to end his life and got sent to therapy that helped a little. It took him some time to recover but he says that he is truly happy now, where he is in his life.

The waiter brought the food just as he finished his story. We had lobster and it was really good. The starters looked like vomit but tasted alright but the main meal was from heaven. We barely talked through it, only commented every now and then how good it was. We were on our second bottle of wine by then.

"Okay, I take back what I said about the chef's choice, people wouldn't leave this stuff" I say and took another bite. "You better" is all he could get out. Before we knew it, the food was done and we were stuffed. The waiter came and collected our plates. "Would you like desert?" he asks and I almost shout, "YASS!" there is always room for desert.

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