*-Chapter 13-*

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Ava's parents came by to fetch her today and she promised to be back soon. Ashton was also there, he met her parents and clearly Ava's dad doesn't like him. Ashton is not an overachiever and his goal isn't to study at a university or something so Ava's dad didn't approve but he tried not to ruin their moment. Some tears were shed but it was quickly wiped away. She got in the car and they drove away. It felt weird to have my room to myself again.


A few months passed and winter was upon us. Halloween was a total disaster and the Thanksgiving dinner that followed wasn't a walk in the park either. First of all, the Halloween party at Johnnie's house. I went as an angel and Johnnie as a devil. We didn't plan it and it was cute when we got to the party and saw each other dressed opposite. Then disaster hit.

Some chick - dressed like a prostitute - glued herself to Johnnie and basically hand herself over to him on a silver plate, that after he made it clear that he isn't interested. I watched them for a few minutes before taking the situation into my own hands. I went up to her and made it clear that I am his girlfriend and that she would back off. She left.

Johnnie then went to the bathroom and the little bitch came back and insulted me, telling me how ugly and useless I am. I tried to keep my cool but I couldn't let this hoe insult me any further. The unfortunate thing about me is that I don't fight my battles passively, I get physically involved and when Johnnie came back from the bathroom, he found us on the floor strangling and hitting each other.

She ended up with a bloody nose and a black eye while I only had a headache for her keep pulling my hair. I was proud that I kinda won but completely embarrassed that I won to a hoe. I then left the party. Johnnie didn't talk to me until the next morning.

After that fiasco came the Thanksgiving dinner. Jordon invited me and my brother over to their house. First, my brother refused to come; he's not a family guy so Page came instead and she and Luke hit it off. The whole dinner they made googely eyes at each other and it irritated me and Johnnie but that wasn't the part that ruined the evening, no. The part that sent the evening to disaster was when Luke started trying things with Page. He took her to his room and innocent little Page didn't know what hit her. She made a scene. She yelled at him and bitch slapped him a few times, I don't blame her. He's a pig. Johnnie was completely and utterly embarrassed. After that we just went home.

Christmas is around the corner and the obligation to be out and buying gifts forced me to the mall. I needed 4 gifts. I got socks for Jason, like I do every year just to mock him. I get him a real present for his birthday though. For Page, I got another accessory to add to her bracelet, like I do every year but this time I bought her a skull. Michael's gift is tricky. I never know what to get him so I just end up giving him something homemade. I bought a photo frame; I'm going to put a cute picture of us in it. Then there's Johnnie. We've been together for almost 3 months and I want to get him something special, not something expensive like the watch I got him last time. I walked around a bit longer before giving up. I'll try again another day and bring Page with.

I called Jason to come get me and waited in the coffee shop. He said he'll meet me there. Soon, Jason was sitting across from me sipping from his mug. "You got me socks again, didn't you?" he asks when he caught me staring at him. I smirked.

"Ava and her parents are coming to town for Christmas" he informs me. The thought excited me. Ava could fix up a dinner. I should probably buy her a gift to. "Can we invite Johnny and his parents over for Christmas since Ava is probably going to cook for a whole army?" I ask risky. "Sure" he sighs not thrilled about the idea but I don't care.

"We should get a Christmas tree and decorations then, just to set the mood" I say. I have a death wish. We never to this, not since our parents died. "Okay whatever" he sighs again. Something is up. "Is everything okay?" I ask concerned. "Yeah sure" he answers and goes deep into thought.

"Do you want to get it now?" I ask. "Yeah sure" he says and calls the waiter to bring the bill. I asked no further questions. He'll talk if he wanted to, I thought.

We walked around and bought a big ass Christmas tree and some decorations. I also got a present for Ava, some bath soaps and deodorants. As I was walking to the counter to pay, I saw a scarf in a bin. I walked to it to take a closer look and I immediately knew that this was the perfect present for Johnnie.

It was mostly black with red patterns all over it and it was just so luscious. I paid for both my items and found my brother at the car where he was stuffing the tree inside of the car. It was fun watching him struggle but I helped when I saw that he was going to break the tree. This is going to be an interesting Christmas. 

I love you guys, aka just LukeBrookMyHeart, you are awesome!

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