*-Chapter 16-*

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Christmas morning everyone slept in. Ava's parents were the first ones to wake at 11am. Luckily they didn't wake us until 2 o'clock. Ava and I took a shower and then went downstairs to eat lunch, since we missed breakfast. Jason made his appearance after an hour and Johnnie came knocking at our door at 5 o'clock. He looked really excited about something.

"Come take a quick walk with me" he says before giving me a chance to greet him. I put on my jacket and shoes, notified everyone that I'm leaving and walked by Johnnie's side until we reached the coffee shop. The same coffee shop I burst out in tears the other day with Caleb. We took a seat and he started telling me his exciting news.

"I got a call this morning from The Pianist Academy and they want me to play for their ballet show, The Fenix that is coming up in February! It's pretty big because if I impress them, I could get an audition to get into Julliard!" his face was filled with enthusiasm. "That's great!" I exclaimed feeling really happy for him but a bit jealous at the same time.

"I know! It's amazing! One of the world's famous judges will be there and I will make sure that she notices me!" it looks like he is about to explode and I could also feel the excitement burning in my chest. "I'm really proud of you" I say just as the waiter appears to take our order. We ordered pancakes - the smell is killing me - and hot chocolate. Johnnie continued with his story of how one day he will have the world at his feet, ext. I listened intriguing and I loved seeing him so worked up about his dreams.

The waiter brought our drinks and he spilled his when he started coughing a little bit. I just laughed at him. Just then, my worst nightmare came true. Caleb enters the shop with another girl and he almost immediately notices and approaches me.

"Oh so this is the boyfriend. Different from the one's you usually date" he says arrogant, making the girl laugh. "Hi, I'm Caleb, one of Alex's old friends, I've heard a lot about you" he lies and introduces himself to Johnnie when he sees the confusion on his face.

"I wish I could say the same" Johnnie says in response and hinting over at me and I'm still just sitting there in silence, wishing to vanish from the face of the earth. "Well, I'll leave you two love birds alone to I accompany my lady" he says when he realized that I'm not participating in the conversation and he leaves.

"What was that all about?" Johnnie asks when Caleb was out of earshot. "Let's go" I say, ignoring his question and throwing a twenty dollar bill on the table while walking towards the door. Outside, the cold hit me hard and I quickly pushed myself deeper into my coat. It was already dark.

Johnnie catches up with me and on the way, I told him the truth, the whole truth. He got pretty angry as I went on with the story but I told him to leave it. Caleb just wants attention and I refuse to give it to him.

When I got home, there was an unknown car parked outside. Inside, I found an agent showing some old couple around the house and my brother in the kitchen. Ava was in my room, packing and I decided to go help her. Johnnie went home and soon I hear the agent and the old couple leaving as well.

The next morning, Ava and her parents greeted us and drove home, leaving me and Jason the only two in the house. Ashton was also there, handing Ava her gift and saying goodbye to her for a second time. He gave her a ring, resembling an arrow. It was cute. After they all left, I went to my room and listened music for the rest of the day.


A week later, the agent called Jason, telling him that the house is sold. He was pretty excited and I started packing, deciding what to keep and what not. Page helped me. We went through the stuff in the garage and decided to hold a garage sale that Saturday where we made a couple of bucks. Jason told us to keep the money and we split it in half.

When the house was finally sorted out and cleaned, Jason showed me the apartment that he bought. It was neat and small, nothing special to it. Most of our things either went to storage or with me. Jason got the important things like the fridge, microwave, kitchen equipment, TV, ext.

Thursday, the 1st of January, I was at Page's house, unpacking my things into the drawers of their guest bedroom. Last night we were at a new years party and it was crazy. I didn't get drunk but i enjoyed myself. Johnnie kept going to the bathroom but i didn't ask any questions. Don't want to get to personal. The party was at Ashton's house and I met a lot of new people. It was awesome. The only thing that sucked was that I missed my kiss with Johnnie at the end of the count down they do before the new year starts, he was still in the bathroom.

Anyway, my new room was a big room with the walls painted a light shade of blue and a queen size bed in the middle of it. Johnnie left me a little gift on my bed, chocolate, before I greeted my old home. 

I've just finished settling in when Page made her appearance in my new room, offering me some ice-cream. The room had a TV and its own bathroom with a shower and a bath. They also have a Jacuzzi in the back and a massive swimming pool. We heard a knock on the door and her parents opening it. It was Michael. He joined us and we talked the rest of the evening. I really love my friends.

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