*-Chapter 6-*

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When I got to chemistry class, most of the people just stared. One or two complemented me but everyone else kept their distance. No one dares to question me. Johnnie isn't in my chem class and I didn't see him until lunch.

He waited for me at my locker. "I had to see this for myself" he says leaning against my locker with his arms crossed, "and may I just say, WOW!" he applaud and hugged me. I liked hugging him, 1) he smells AMAZING! 2) he is taller than me so I have to stand on my toes. "Thank you" I whisper in his ear. He lets me go. "Wanna come to my place after school?" he asks with smile. "Sure" I say and he leaves. At lunch, Mikey and I sat in silence. I hate fighting with him but I'm not the wrong one here. After school I texted Page.

Me: I'm going to Johnnie's, please come get me at 5

Page: I saw you two hugging at your locker, you guys are just so cute!

Me: Would you come get me?

Page: Yeah sure, enjoy ;)

I smiled. I went home with Johnnie. Over the past few days, the temperature really dropped so he turned the heat up in his car. Everyone has a licence. We listened to Imagine Dragons in the car and even though I didn't know the words, I learned fast and by the time we reached his house, we were singing or should I say shouting to Radioactive. We entered his house, still singing the song and we head to kitchen where we devoured the leftovers.

"Wanna go sit by the piano?" he asks, taking the last bite from his food. "YASS!" I shout and immediately sprint to the piano. He takes a seat and I picked out a song for him to play. He starts playing and he sings along. He has an breathtaking voice and once again, he gave me goosebumps. When he played the chorus, I started singing along, harmonizing with him. "Wow, you have an amazing voice!" I say when he stopped playing. He gave me a shy smile, it was cute.

He then took the guitar next to the piano, "You play?" I ask not believing how talented he is. "Sometimes" he says with the same smile. "What songs can you play, maybe we could colab?" he asks. I thought for a moment. I don't know any his music. Then suddenly, I remembered. I've always played Smashing Pumpkins for my family and we would all sing along. (that was before the death of my parents) It was their favorite song. After their death, my brother forbid me ever play it again.

"Today by Smashing Pumpkins" I say proud. I told him the whole story. "Okay then" he starts playing the guitar and I played along on the piano. The entire song we locked eyes, looking at the notes every now and then, just to make sure we're still on track. After that, went to his room and laid on his bed and talked with Foo Fighters playing in the background. I really enjoy his company.

Before I knew it, Page texted me telling me she is outside. In the car, I told her everything. "Michael is not impressed with this guy" I say after a while. "He's just worried, he really cares for you and doesn't want to see you get hurt" she says. "Do you think Johnnie is no good for me?" I ask. "No, I like Johnnie and I know this is ganna sound cheesy, but just follow your heart" she says. I thought about that for a moment. I then texted Michael.

Me: Hey, I get that you worry about me, but I really wanna do this. I hope you understand. I don't wanna lose you...

He replied a few minutes later.

Mikey: Do what you want, I don't care

I sighed at his stubbornness and showed Page, "Just give him some time to adjust to the idea" she says, "He'll get over it"

When I got home, Jason was already there. "Hey, how was the interview" I ask before he had a chance to say anything. "It was okay, it's a big company so there were lots of other guys also wanting the job, where did you get that shirt?" he asks without hesitation and pointing it out. "Uhmm, I found it" I say. "Where?" he wanted to know. "In my closet" I say innocent. "Alex, shirts like that don't just lay around in your closet, who gave it to you" he asks.

"Uhh" I pondered not knowing what to say. "Alex, I'm ganna ask you one more time, where did you get that shirt?" he asks again "Johnnie" I mumble soft, "What?" he asks with resentment in his voice. "Johnnie gave it to me!" I almost scream. "The guy from the exams Monday?" he asks in a low tone that sends fear through my body. I nod.

"We had an agreement!" he says quite loud. "I'm sorry" I mumble while looking at my feet. "Where do you see him?" he asks. "He goes to my school" I say just above a whisper. "So, why would he give that to you at school?" he asks. "I went to his house" I say more scared I've ever been my life. "YOU WHAT!?" he burst out. The first tear runs down my cheek. "So that's where you been all day? And that night Page picked you up..." he asks, implying that I should finish. "I went to Johnnie's" I admit and the tears are now rolling down my cheeks. "Just... go to your room" he dismisses me. I basically jogged to my room, fell on my bed and started crying. That was awful.

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