*-Chapter 11-*

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I woke up the next morning on my porch. I was lying on the outdoor bench my parents got for Christmas about 10 years ago. This bench was considered part of the family. It was quite old and the faded material had pictures of flowers on a badge background. I sat up and the bench started swaying making creaking chain sounds. I have absolutely no idea how I got here.

I then noticed the terrible headache I had and it felt like my brain was about to peel out of my ears. Completely frazzled by confusion, I tried to gather my thoughts. The last thing I remember was eating desert with Johnnie. Johnnie! I searched for my phone and found it in my jacket pocket. I dialed Johnnie's number but before I had the chance to press the call button, Ava stumbled onto the porch and plopped herself next to me looking like she'd been attacked by a bird.

I stared at her for a moment or two and she stared back with her mouth open and drool dripping from it. She looked just as lost as I was. Then my brain started registering. "Where have you been?" I asked a in a breaking voice. I sounded like a goat.

She closed her mouth and scratched her head, "With Ashton" she giggles and no elaboration was necessary. "How about yourself?" she asks completely brain dead. "I have no idea" I said and we both stared into the distance.

I then notice my phone in my hand and I continued my task. I put the phone to my ear and after the fourth ring Johnnie picked up. "Yeah?" he asks in a husky voice indicating that I've just woke him. "Where you at?" I asked him. It took him a few seconds to answer, "On my lawn...what happened last night?" he asks puzzled and I can feel him frowning through the phone. "I was hoping you could tell me" I say. "I'll call you back later" he says and puts the phone down.

"Let's go inside" I say to Ava and we rise, manage our balance and walk to the door. "Jason!" I scream when I see it's locked. I had to call a few more times before he made his appearance. We went inside and tossed ourselves on the coach where Ava instantly fell asleep. Then it occurred to me, Ava got laid last night! Lucky bastard.

After beaming into nothingness for what felt like an hour, I took a shower and the wonders that came out of that was both scary and intriguing. I felt refreshed and clean and sober afterwards.

I roughly dried my hair with the towel and got dressed in sweatpants and an over sized shirt and then realized how hungry I am. I went down stairs to the kitchen to track down anything edible and found frozen pizza and ice cream in the deep freeze. This is my lucky day. After microwaving the pizza, I made myself comfortable on the coach and watched some SpongeBob.

During the 5th episode, there was a knock on the door, Michael. "Hi?" I asked lost to what he is doing here. "How are you doing after last night" he asks smirking. He clearly knows something I don't. "What did I do" I asked sighing, feeling humiliated already. "Where do I start?" he says rubbing his hands together and inviting himself in.


Well, this is what I could find out about myself in the last half an hour. We got so drunk last night and let to me doing delusional stuff like:

Cursing the waiter, confessing my love to the waiter, making out with Johnnie in the restaurant (something I wish I could remember), vandalizing someone's car, mocking a police officer and killing a cat (I didn't ask how). Not in that exact order but that was about how my night went. Michael had to come bail us out of jail.

I burried my face in my hands and then I started laughing. I remember the car and the waiter but the rest is a blurr. Yes, I felt sorry for the cat but I basically fell of the coach laughing. I then called Johnnie telling him I'm coming over. Mikey drove me.

Johnnie was still a mess when I arrived at his house. I could clearly smell the vomit in his breath, odd enough, I didn't puke. He let me in and I told him the whole story. He also found it quite amusing, putting aside the fact that we're ganna be paying for the bail money and the damage we caused.

He was just as disappointed as I was about the make out session that we missed but I told him to clean himself up so that we can try again. He basically sprinted to the bathroom and I made myself comfortable in front of the television.

I scrolled through the channels and settled once again on Nickelodeon. I don't know what is with me today but I can't enough of it. Johnnie came back after the 2nd episode ended looking like a new person. Once again, the magic powers of the youth fountain in your bathroom, aka the shower.

He took a seat next to me and I could see my reflection in his eyes and before we started overthinking the situation, he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me.

Don't be a silent reader, vote and give me some feed back. Love you!*

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