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"Yes, sure I would love to come over. The fact is that I'm still not at home so it won't an issue for me. But what is it? Is it something serious? Are you okay?", I asked this question because I knew she would not call me so soon and it had to be looked polite because her voice seemed like she just stopped crying and called me.

"It is like I won't be able to explain on the phone. Please be here at my place soon. I need you.", Aayushi said in a hurried and intense manner.

Well I was not worried but, I wondered what it can be. But if she has said that she needed me then I must visit medical store for my stuff. I found a 24x7 medical soon and got out of that and parked my bike first, because I was in zero condition of driving back there. Aayushi's apartment was not far though. I took a cab from where I was and reached in no time. It was midnight already! I payed the money and climbed up the stairs which were going to lead me to my next one.

I knocked on her door,

She sneaked out first and when she got to know that it was me then she snatched me in and closed the door instantly. It was a really different aura I felt around! Slow music behind, perfectly arranged things, a scent of her perfume which was all over her hallway and her itself. It really seemed like she was up to something. Because if you really are in a condition where you call a person and say that you have an emergency then why would you play some random slow music and do all things perfectly? I mean who has time to do all this?

"Please have a sit Rehan I will be in a minute.", Aayushi went in the kitchen to bring something while I was busy in noticing all this.

She came out with a bottle of Whisky! I really started thinking same scene about me and Rita, like she also brought a bottle of this and afterwards we had sex! Like is there really a connection with Whisky? Hell, I don't know and I don't care too.

"Here, take one I know you need this. After all you did many efforts to come here.", She laughed a bit.

"Not actually. I'm always up for a friend like they say when a friend in need is a friend indeed right? So tell me now what is it?", I laughed too. The peg she made was really strong. Or maybe I felt it because I was already drunk.

"It is again about my relationship. Like I don't know what will make Ajay happy! He is not happy even though he's getting everything from me. I'm just fed up with him. And just today you called, I felt like telling Ajay about this, but I don't know what the hell is wrong with him. He just hung up. Then I told you that I won't be able to meet you. I was so excited about our meet and I get this. Today when you left the party Ajay took me to his room and fought me for this. Like what? And for what?", She ended up with a sigh. She really gave up at the end.

"See Aayushi it is normal reaction a guy will give when you give your friend much more importance then him. I know Ajay give a bit of over reaction here.", I tried to be a supportive guy.

"Like really? Then it is his problem now. I'm not going to help it and I won't from now on.", She said by raising her voice on every word and picking up the glass she added,"You know what? This is it. I'm done with it." She drank whole 30ml whisky neat. I was pretty shocked by that. Because even I won't risk trying it sometime.

After few pegs real talks started. In between she asked about my ongoing activities. I told her about my break up and my studies. She really had a sad relationship with an over possessive and disgusting boyfriend. I got to know much about her. But after fourth peg,

"You remember Rehan I used to like you? And you used to run away from me. I really lust you that time. Like your hairstyle was different from others and your attitude was also nice. Now you have grown up and grown up good I must say. Like who know Rehan will turn out to be a hunk?", she said with a smirk.

"Like really? I did not know you liked me this much! I always wanted to stay out of all this and see me now! Do you still lust me? Or ever recalled my name?", I tried to shift the gears now on.

"Let me think, Yes I remember the last time I took your name was last year when Ajay hit me. I wished you were in my life to calm my nerves down. I do not know anybody else whom I have praised so far apart from you Rehan and now when finally you came in my life Ajay went. I mean, why not all happiness? Am I so undeserving? You know because of all this, who will care about my inner desires which are confined inside? But right now this loneliness which I'm sharing is something different.", she stared at me.

"Like what?", I said in intense voice.

Aayushi came near me, looked at my lips and my eyes, the sparkling eyes as she closed, few drops of tears fell down. She touched my lips with hers. I grabbed her cheeks with my hands and said,"You don't have to do this Aayushi.", "I want to do this Rehan.", Aayushi said.

Tears continued rolling down from her cheeks to her lips, I could taste the salty tears which were bound to me too. My hands slipped back to her hips as she got up and held my hand and brought me to her bedroom, because her height was shorter then mine, she pushed me back on the bed as she lay beside me.

"Are you sure Aayushi?", I said heavily breathing

"Oh yes, I want you. Like I always wanted you.", She was breathing heavily too,

It was an hour or so and we both got high on this. The fire she stored for me from several years was feeling really hot. The fire inside me was still on!

I tore the packet of condom which I bought from the medical store, but her hand stopped me while I was putting it on! But I guess she changed her mind as she helped me to get fit in it. The facial expression was really defining the condition of her heart that how much she wanted me. The intensity was high on point and I ended after a few minutes of this. She looked calm with this, like she needed this. I was calm as always.

We both took the breath of relief.

"So you always wanted me in, isn't it? You still lust me no?", I said with a smile on my face.

"It is like, we all need a break sometime. But I really want to make this sometime forever."

This was something else of what I thought and faster than I imagined.

It was almost morning and we were in a sound sleep, It was time for me to go, move on again! Still something else was waiting for me outside!

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