The Invitation

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"You are meeting me, right?", by hearing Rita's voice it looked like she never had a break up, she seemed excited!

"Yes, how can I say no? After all, we had such lovely time today. Would you like to meet at the same place?"

"Same place in an hour! Is that convenient for you?"

"Yes, no problem. Should I inform Sohail to come too?", I knew she would deny, but still Sohail was my good friend so it was my duty as a friend.

"Sohail? Who Sohail? I forgot his name just few hours ago.", Rita started laughing, I really felt bad for Sohail as he treated me so nice and for him Rita is saying such things like this. I hung up the call and took my bike for club.

The club was nearby, It would hardly take half an hour to reach! I thought to take a long route and think it over, over on what I already decided. It was a clear rejection of Tanya and an approval for Ravann in my heart. Ravann seemed more logical and practical. I was going to meet my friend's girlfriend who is trying to hit on ME! Now what is that suppose to mean?

I met them, we had fun in the club, she was looking at me continually, she met me just first time, I left, she called me and said she had a break up? Are you kidding me?

There is really something wrong with this! May be something is going to get worse with me or Sohail.

I reached, it was an exact hour. Rita seems punctual, she was waiting for me. Looked at at waved, I waved her back. I got off the bike and started heading towards Rita, I noticed her clothes were changed, more fancier than she wore. Looked different, looked happier.

"You are very punctual. I like when someone doesn't keep me waiting, unlike Sohail.", Rita said and started walking forward. Looked like she was in a hurry of something.

I was quiet, just gave a smile and started walking with her.

The Club is always open for rich people. Well, not me, but Rita was really rich. Even the doorkeeper would recognize her there! May be their people inside the club too. As we went inside, loud music seemed to be cutting me from them outer world, the problems I was self discussing were coming to one point where I could give less damn to them! Rita already had few groups there. She introduced me to some new people, attractive people. Meanwhile, these rich people drank too much and went to dance. I was quiet, my inner soul was telling me to drink too! Drink till I vomit. Maybe more than that, but promise to forget what I was worried about. I neat 30 ml. Whisky went inside and the heat I felt was telling me to dance. Dance till my legs break, I wanted to forget all the things happened in the last couple of days. Everything! Even my own identity, what I was, the people I have been known, all.

I wanted to become one of them, one of Ravann.

Rita asked me if I wanted to dance, I looked at her, my eyes were completely filled with water. Rita may be knew the reason, she held my hand and helped me to get up. She asked the DJ to play some soothing song.

She took me on the floor, took her hand on my waist, closed her eyes and tighten her hold of the hand. Made an eye contact with me, while I was already staring at her, slowly I started making some moves, I was very emotional at that time, someone is giving me a hand of help. I slowly landed my hand on her waist too, she felt the heat that was inside my body, it came outside, she came near me, as I can feel her breath, she was breathing heavily, she said,

"Let's go out, the heat inside should not come out. Not yet. Please let me go. I'll call you later.", she ran, ran like if she would stay a moment, she would not able to control herself and do something she didn't want to do.

I was amazed! More of excited. Something new was happening, something unplanned was happening.

I left the club, informed Rita's friends that we left. I went home, but one more thing was waiting for me at home. I still had many people to answer, I reached home, I was not prepared for anything because already many things were going on simultaneously.

"Where were you?", My dad asked me, he seemed polite. I asked for mom, but he again asked me," Where were you Rehan? Can't you hear me?", Now I could feel he was getting angry.

"Do you remember Tanya? I was dating her from one year and just a couple of days back she slept with one of her friends named Rohit, and then she told me that she wanted a break up. I drank whole night and slept on the road. Then I came home and again went out to meet Sohail, then I met Tanya again and now I'm here, now I think I have answered all the questions along." I went to sleep. Dad didn't ask any question after it. It was shocking my dad generally doesn't leave me so simply. That's strange.

A few days passed, nothing happened!

No sign of Tanya, No sign of Sohail, No sign of Rita!

Does anyone even remember?

"Humne Mana Ke Tagaful Na Karoge Lekin,

Khakh Ho Jayenge Hum Tumko Khbar Hone Tak."

Which means,

I know you might not ignore me, but I will turn into ashes while you would remember me!

Something was going on again, I was worried, not about Tanya, time it was Rita, I still can feel her breath touching my body, The warmth of her body is still keeping fire alive inside me. May be I really wanted to see her soon. May be just wanted to meet her again.

"My place at 8 o'clock", It was an invitation message from Rita.

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