The Big Day- Extra #1

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*Alexander’s POV*

Today was the day. The big day for me and Andrea. The day that she became Andrea Hunt, oh wait never mind scratch that. The day that she became Andrea Rodriguez-Hunt, she didn’t want to let go of the name she grew up with. I didn’t mind though because was still going to be holding my name.

I hadn’t seen her all day yesterday because of that superstition about not seeing your bride the night before the wedding but her family believed that it was the day before the wedding so it has been twenty-four hours since I have seen her. I did talk to her on the phone last night before bed. She sounded a little nervous about everything though and I just wanted to be there to comfort her. I think she was just nervous for what is expected to happen when I get her home after the wedding. I had told her time and time again that it didn’t matter if we were married; she made the decision when she was ready, but she had insisted on this being the night. Okay, so I’m a man and I’m not going to lie when I said I was excited about this but right now I was focused on my wedding to the greatest woman alive.

There was still an hour before the wedding and I was pretty much ready to go. The rest of the groomsmen were getting ready in the hotel room that we booked just for today. Among my groomsmen were my best man, Justin, Jason, Adam, Alonso, Christian and Derek. Andrea’s maid of honor is Brooke since they had gotten extremely close over the years, and the rest of her bridesmaids consisted of Rebecca, Aliana, Alejandra, Stephanie and Samantha. The women were all getting ready down the hall in another room. I couldn’t believe that the day had finally come. We had planned this wedding for the last two years. I was now twenty-four and Andrea is now twenty-two. We felt like they were the right ages to get married.

“Hey, man! You ready for this?” Justin asked as he thumped my on the back.

“I’ve been ready for quite sometime. You have the rings right?” I asked remembering that it was his job to hold the rings until the ceremony when he would give it to the ring bearers.

“What?! When did you give them to me?!” He shouted in surprise. My eyes widened at his tone and I thought I was about to pass out right then. “Ehh, I’m just kidding! I have them right in my pocket. I got you for a second there! That was priceless,” he said as he started cracking up.

“This is a very serious day for me! I don’t appreciate you fooling around like that,” I chastised him in all seriousness.

“Sorry, I guess now is not the time to be pulling your leg,” Justin apologized.

“No, I’m sorry for snapping at you. I just really want this day to go off without a hitch,” I sighed and patted his shoulder.

“Nothing can ruin this day for you,” Justin vowed.

“Thanks. Now would you mind doing me a favor?” He raised his brow at my question, but nodded nonetheless. “Can you go check on Andrea? I just want to make sure that she’s okay.”

“Will do buddy!” He said as he left the room.

I paced around the room for ten minutes until he returned. As he came in the whole room was wafted in perfume and womanly scents. Justin was rubbing his eyes viciously.

“What happened?” I asked as I came over to him.

“Ugh! I forgot to knock, so I saw some ladies in their underwear and the attacked me with their perfumes,” he groaned out.

The other groomsmen whose wives or girlfriends were in that room began throwing things at him saying that those were their ladies.

“You’re supposed to knock! What happened after that? You didn’t see Andrea like that did you?” I hurled at him.

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