Chapter 4

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Hiccup's POV

"I still think we should help her Jack." I repeated.

"No. She clearly doesn't want to be found." Jack scoffed.

"She's fighting a war by herself!" I yelled.

"She knows what she's doing. You know that!" Jack retorted.

Max's POV

"My father told me about this place he used to go to when he was a teenager. They called it Dragon's Edge. Maybe that's where he is." I stated laying back on Shadow.

Are you suggesting we go there?

"Yes. My dad will have an extra fire sword there. I need one." I stated. "I'm gonna steal it."

Alright let's go then. Is there a reason why?

"You'll see one day. It's part of my plan." I said.

Shadow took off towards Dragon's Edge.

"We'll break in at night. Steal the sword and cartridges. I know how to make those so we'll be okay." I laid back on the saddle.

That Night

Shadow landed on a deck that stuck out from the common area. There was a fire in the center area. I found a chest in the back corner, that must be where the sword is. I went over and dug through the chest. I found a small tube that looked exactly like my father's fire sword and I found more cartridges. I stuck them in my saddle bag and continued to look through the chest.

I found another small tube and picked it up, "What is this?!"

Maybe we should wait until we can talk to your dad.

I put the other tube back, "No. We'll stay and we'll spy on them. Maybe they'll use it." I climbed on Shadow. "Let's find a place to stay."

Shadow took off and started to fly around the island. I took a whiff of the air and sense a cave nearby.

I sense the cave too.

Shadow dove and landed in the cave.

"Let's stay here for a while." I curled up inside Shadow's wings and closed my eyes.


I got up and started to head towards the camp. Shadow followed me on foot.

This place is beautiful.

"I know right." I agreed.

Shadow and I carefully headed up the hill. I saw my father sitting in the deck with Toothless soaking in the sun.

"Alright fine." Jack said coming into the open. "Let's go find her." Jack dropped the small tube in my father's lap. "You said this was a map. Let's use it."

Hiccup grabbed the tube, "Alright Toothless. Do your thing."

Toothless turned to the tube and shot a small steady plasma blast into the tube. Symbols and ancient writing covered the walls.

"Oh my gods..." I whispered.

That's our ticket. Get on my back. We need it.

"No." I murmured. "We'll get it later. For now let's go back to the cave and eat."

Shadow and I headed back to the cave and sat down. I grabbed some bread from the saddle bag only to find it stale.

I groaned, "Guess it's time to make an appearance."

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