Chapter 12

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Max's POV Morning

Dad, Jack and I were sitting in the common area eating breakfast. The dragons were snoring behind us.

"I want to leave sometime this afternoon." I stated.

"Why?" Dad asked.

"Because I need to make night attacks. They won't see us and maybe I won't get captured." I pointed out. "I want to catch the next night ship."

Jack sighed, "Fiiiine."

I patted his knee, "I'll come back someday."

"When?" My dad asked.

I shrugged, "When it's over."

Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me up, "Come on. Time for your Snoggletog present."

Jack led me into the forest and into a clearing. He went over to a hollow log and brought out a bow and a set of arrows.

"I figured you would need these." Jack whispered putting the quiver across my back and the bow as well.

I blushed, "Thank you...I still feel bad I didn't get you anything."

"Hey hey it's okay..." Jack gently grabbed my cheeks and rubbed them with his thumbs.

He kissed me softly and I deepened the kiss.

I stiffened and pulled away, "I...sorry...I love you...I really do but...I can't...not right now..."

I backed up and headed back to the common area to find my dad.

Time Skip

I was ready to leave so I could catch a ship.

We should talk to the Bewilderbeast about your plan. You said you needed him to help destroy them.

"I know I did. We'll talk to him after the raid." I murmured.

"Who?" My dad asked.

"You really don't want to know." I rubbed it off. "I have to go."

Dad gave me a hug, "Be careful."

"I'll try." I smirked.

"Use your bow." Jack ordered.

"I will." I paused and turned. "I need you to promise me something."

"Anything." My dad said.

"If anything happens go to my island. You two will be safe there. The wolves are there and I need to set up some traps too." I explained.

I climbed on Shadow and he took to the skies heading towards the ship.

"You almost blown our cover." I scolded.

Why didn't you tell your father about the Bewilderbeast?!

"Because the Bewilderbeast made Toothless kill my grandfather. Dad would imprison me forever if he found out." I explained.

But keeping it from him isn't a good idea.

"Shadow it's part of my plan." I snapped.

Care to tell me?

"Get inside. Kill them all." I said.

Fair enough.

I patted his back, "Sorry it's been quite stressful."

I know. It's been hard on me too.

"We'll get home soon. I promise." I whispered.

You never liked promises. Because you were afraid you couldn't keep them.

"I'm keeping this one." I said.

Night Fall

We're here.

Shadow let out a screech and dove firing a plasma blast as we were almost on top of the ship.

"FIRE!" Riley commanded.

Why is she on every ship?!

"We can't see her!!!" A viking yelled.

Shadow dove again firing towards the center. I grabbed an arrow and notched it. Shadow lifted up again and got ready to fire. The darkness covered us from any harm as the vikings tried to find us. He dove and I started to fire arrows at the men killing them.

Riley called her dragon, Smoke, a Whispering Death, "I will get you Max!"

"Go!" I whispered.

Shadow dove one last time folding his wings and fired, sinking the ship as Riley flew away.

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