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Find out what happens when Les Twins gets a blast from the past.

Larry as himself
Laurent as himself
James Brown as himself

Larry is working hard in the basement of his house. Laurent runs down the stairs and said,

" Hey, I been looking for you."
" Well, you found me. Now, what do you want?" Larry replied.
" I was just...what's this?" Laurent asked.
" A time machine." Larry answered.
" Are you serious? Does it work?" Laurent asked.
" I'm about to find out. Want to join me?" Larry offered.
" Sure, what's the worse that could happen. " Laurent replied as he and Larry stood on a metal pod.

Larry turned on the time machine. Bright beams surrounded them as they disappeared into the time realm. They screamed as they zoomed through time tunnels.

When they exited the time tunnels, they landed in a small grass field. They looked around and realized they were in Paris. But noticed Paris looked a bit different.

" Your time machine doesn't work. We still in Paris. All we did was go to another area." Laurent disappointingly said.
" I know we're in Paris. But this Paris looks old." Larry replied.

Larry even noticed the way people dressed was different. Bellbottoms, tye dye shirts, afros and stack boots. They approached a couple and asked,

" Excuse me, hi, can you tell me what year it is?"

The couple looked at them strangely and replied,

" It's 1971, my brother. You going to miss the show. It's about to start. "
" 1971!!!" Laurent and Larry shouted.
" Come with us." The couple encouraged and ran into the building. " Why does that music sound so familiar? " Larry thought to himself.

When they arrived to the concert hall, the stage was being rocked by no other than James Brown. James Brown performed his hit songs, Get on up (sex machine), and I got it (superbad). The crowd was going crazy over James Brown.

After the show was over, Larry and Laurent had some trouble finding an exit. They ended up finding James Brown's dressing room.

" Let's go in." Laurent whispered.
" No, we can't disrupt anything in the past. It can mess up our future. " Larry said.
" I'm just want to say hi." Laurent said and opened the door.

James Brown was sitting his chair, drinking water.

Laurent's mouth dropped as he approached James Brown and introduced himself.

" I can't believe it's really you. The godfather of soul. Mr. James Brown!" Laurent excitingly said.
" Son, call me Mr. Brown. Why, there's two of you?"
" I'm his twin. Pleasure to meet you Mr. Brown. We're huge fans." Larry said as he shook James Brown's hand.
" Glad you enjoyed the show. Time for y'all to go." James Brown said with a serious face.

They ran out the concert hall, so happy. They returned to the pod. Larry noticed something shiny wrapped around Laurent's waist.

" What is that?" Larry asked.
" The famous cape. " Laurent replied.
" You stole the godfather of soul's cape? Have you lost your mind!" Larry shouted.
" Oh, hush. What's the worse that could happen? Next stop, home." Laurent replied.

Larry and Laurent traveled back to Larry's basement, Paris in 2015. Larry heard a familiar voice from upstairs. They went to the living room and saw the tv was on. A special announcement was being made from the white house. The headline was titled James Brown: President of the United States '15.

Larry and Laurent looked at each other in complete shock.

"You just had to take James Brown's cape." Larry said with an angry face.
" Sorry. " Laurent innocently apologized.

The End

Get on up motion picture

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