1.5: Marina

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After breakfast, everyone grabs their beauty supplies from my room and heads to one of the vacant bathrooms of our large castle. I, of course, choose to stay in my room and get ready for going out in public. It doesn't matter if we're just going to breakfast or going to a party, we will get photographed and we must look nice.

I slip on a white dress with a pink blazer, and walk over the my mirror. It's been a year without my mother, and I'm still learning to do my makeup as well as she could. That was the best time we spent together, our makeup sessions every morning. I could have had a maid do it, or even called a stylist to come to the castle every morning, but I loved my time with my mother. Queen Annabel. The world's favorite queen. I know I'll never fill her shoes, but I have to try. That starts with making myself look half as beautiful as she did.

I'm pale, so I apply a layer of fake tan lotion on my face, arms, and legs. Then comes the real makeup: even out my complexion, give my cheeks some real color, apply some cheekbones, fix my eyebrows, make my eyes pop, give my lips some volume and color.

The process overall takes about an hour. I know everyone's waiting for me (except Ella, who always spends a while in front of the mirror), but this is important. I have to look as beautiful as The Queen. I have to. I have to.

Oh Marina, you will never be as beautiful as her.

Ignore that voice. The voice telling you that you don't look beautiful enough. You are enough. You are.

Princess Marina, don't you know you have no chance of attracting a husband looking like you do?

Fight it, Mar. Fight it.

You know I'm right, darling. Re-do your face and keep your attitude in check. You need a man to give you purpose, and you'll never find one if you look and talk like this.

"Okay!" I shout out to the voice that I know isn't there. I'm not schizophrenic, if that's what anyone thinks. I don't actually hear a voice. It's just the devil on my shoulder. "I'll redo my face." I mutter. "Jesus Christ, let me live."

Attitude, Princess.

"Right." I take a deep breath and look in the mirror. As I redo my makeup, I whisper, "Please and thank you, you look lovely, how are you today, please and thank you, you look lovely, how are you..."

I continue on repeating the coveted words until my face is done and Ashley is yelling at me to get my ass ready. I hear Melanie tell her to be nice, and she walks right up to my door to let me know we have to leave in less than 10 minutes.

Normally at this point, I would tell her to piss off and give me space to finish up, but I stop myself, remembering the words. "Thank you, Mel."

Once I hear her pad away in her wool and lace socks, I run my fingers through my hair, trying to make it manageable.

Well, no one can manage you. Now you know how they all feel, Princess.

As I walk towards the door and down the stairs, I continue under my breath, "Please and thank you and I'm sorry and you're welcome, please and thank you and I'm---"
Dear reader,
Sorry this chapter is kinda short. The 1.0 chapters are almost over and after one more chapter, we'll be posting 2.0.
Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Have an awesome day :)
Ps. Rn my dog is annoying the hell out of me. He really wants to play fetch. Do you have any pets?

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