2.6: Ella

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I lightly lick my shimmery, midnight-plum lipstick and peer at the masses through my thickly-lined eyelids. My floor length gown matches my lip color, which contrasts my pale-as-hell skin.

I feel like the Queen of Hell, Top Dead Bitch, Persephone of the Puss--

"Ella!" a scream erupts out of a clump of interviewers. Oh god, I would recognize that tone of voice anywhere. "Where has my baby been?" she slurs. Lana wobbles on her stilettos, one hand swinging up for balance while the other brings a bottle to her cherry lips. "It's just been so long," she moans, dragging out the o in "long." She stumbles a bit and falls right into my arms, giggling uncontrollably.

I right her and give her a little pat. "Hey, Auntie Lana," I smile. She lets out a little giggle, staring at something that looks incredibly interesting to the left of my head.

"Wow," she gasps. "Your ear, is just, fucking incredible."

"Thank you!" I tell her. My ears are pretty nice, to be honest. Lana finally maintains a tentative balance, swaying gently, but a moment of soberness takes over. "So," she says gently, "How's life treating you?" I think for a moment. I bullshit a lot of people, but Lana is not one of them.

"Not terribly, I guess," I think aloud. "As I get older, there's more pressure and more stress, but I also feel like I can handle it."

Lana nods understandingly. "You, my dearie, are a wonderful girl and will be a wonderful Queen. And you know how I know that?" Her voice drops to just below a whisper. "My latest Bosnian prince said you were the best of all the royals."

"Wait, back it up," I stop her from going further. "There's more than one Bosnian prince? Isn't the country, like, two square meters in size?"

"You betcha there are more than one. And two meters? That's the size of the younger one's--"

"Nope, not here girl, let's wait 'till we get back to the castle," I stop her before she says something she might regret.

"So, you, m'lady," she continues, "are doing great. And I believe that no matter what's happening, you're going to get through it with your head held high. I swear, you're one of the strongest, most humble, most brilliant princesses I've ever known." The glassy tinge of alcohol slips from her eyes for a moment. "So you go get em' girl."

I embrace Lana. Even when she's beyond wasted, she always manages to pull through and inspire me when I need it most. Lana always seems to stumble, bottle in hand, through my life at just the right times. A clump of hungry reporters start lurking our way, and the cherry-lipped alcoholic disappears into a group of delicately dressed Queens, and just in time. As the cameras begin to flash and the questions shouted, I get a last wink from Lana, who with a crash falls to the floor. I occupy the press just long enough for her to escape for the last time.

"Ella!" They shout raucously. "Do you have any secrets? Who are you sleeping with? Are you in a relationship with Josh Dun?" Questions and harsh comments are thrown at me like they're nothing, but some of the words sting. Lana's words of inspiration give me the strength to persevere.

"Spider? Oh wow, he's doing really great," I nod, engaging the reporters. They collectively groan.

"Anything about you, and not your spider?" A frustrated reporter whines.

"To be honest, Spider would not appreciate that." I shoot a look at the woman. "But anyways, yeah, he's great. He's on a diet currently because of some digestion issues, but really, his attitude is still positive, which is really great. I know that Spider will be able to pull through, just as he always has." I give a blank smile, and my speech works. The reporters drift off one by one, except for a lone, shaking, Korean boy.

"Y-you have a spider?" he stammers. "And his name is 'Spider'?"

I nod politely, knowing that even though I generally hate the press, ameature reporters are another thing altogether. They usually just genuinely want to find work, and are assigned to the most gossipy and superficial stories first before they can get better work. The boy glances nervously at a leather-bound notepad and struggles a bit before asking a question.

"Um, El-- I mean, Princess, what's the best part of knowing..." he trails off and looks determinedly off into the distance. "Y'know what, I'm breaking every rule here, but I can't do this." The young reporter shoves his mic and notepad into his bag and looks at me for real.

"Wait, so you have a Spider? Named Spider? Is he cute? What does he like? What does he eat?" He looks at me, wide-eyed.

"Do you really want to hear about this?" I ask unsurely. "You probably don't, to be honest." I laugh, but he persists. "Well... where do I even begin? For starters, he's the most beautiful tarantula in the world, and he's my best friend. He's very sweet, but pretty shy around crowds. I tell Spider everything, and thank god Spider isn't human, or he'd be sick of my sh--, I mean, my, um, constant chatter," I stop, not sure if he wants me to continue.

"I've always wanted a Spider, but I have to settle for my lame lizard, named Harriet. She's kind of a bi--, uh, not nice person,  but I love her nonetheless." He replies. This is the first time anyone besides my parents have ever shown interest in Spider, and it's very gratifying. This small conversation has saved me from an entire night of utter boredom.

"Oh! A lizard! That sounds amazing! What kind is she?"

"A Leopard Gecko! She's very beautiful, with lots of spots and a cute little nose. She's 10 years old, so Harriet is middle aged, and has really settled down."

"That's amazing! Spider's nocturnal, so he really comes to life when I'm returning from parties, which is nice. I can tell him exactly what happened that night, and he's usually not too much of a fussy listener." I tell the reporter.

"Same with Harriet. She helps me deal with my ridiculous homework load every night. I keep myself together knowing Harriet would know if I stopped and would be ashamed of me." The reporter chuckles. "Y'know, saying that out loud makes me realize that it's not as cool as I think it is."

"Hey, y'know what would be pretty cool? If we got some food right now." I make a hopeful face.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you like, Princess," he nods.

"Oh, please, don't call me Princess," I groan. "I'll just be Ella to you."

"Oh, okay, um, Ella." He tests out the name. "And I'm Tucker." He sticks out his hand formally just as I extend my hand for a high-five. We fumble awkwardly for a moment before coming to an agreed fist-bump.

"Um, I guess let's head off to the tables, if that's good for you? The waiters will come when we sit down." I say, beginning to walk over to a pale-gold draped table.

"Okay," Tucker tentatively slips off his messenger bag. "Bon Appetit, Ella. I eagerly await new riveting stories about Spider."

"Bon Appetit," I reply.
Dear reader,
This is Lo posting this bc J was going to and then she disappeared and I'm a stickler for staying on schedule so here you go. @J: You won't bring me there so I'll take myself there. clearly. independent ass bitch.
(If you get that reference I love and hate you)
Anyways ya Ella is amazing and we both love her v much
Ps. Anyone else have a friend BETRAY YOU lately? (I'm clearly kidding. love u J)

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