3.3: Melanie

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When I walk in, Abie smiles. "How's my favorite client?"

I mirror her expression and tell her, "I'm doing well, thank you, Abie." 'Well.' I hate lying to Abie, but I don't really have a choice.

I decide to bring up Ash's ranting and raving in the waiting room, hoping she'll talk to Ash about it and relieve everyone else. "Ashley's pretty upset about that folder, you know."

Abie nods solemnly. "I know. I also know that you want to make everyone happy, but this is Ash's business, not yours."


"Nope," she cuts me off. "Not your problem."

I nod. "Okay. So, do you have a folder for me?"

Abie laughs. "Of course not. If I made one for you, there'd be one page in it, maybe two on an out-of-character month."

Princess Proper, Princess Polite, Princess Perfect.

"What would be that one page?"

"Are you still on that diet?" she asks, and I almost jump at the word diet. A few months ago, Abie questioned how thin I was getting, so I told her I was on a special diet for health reasons. She asked for a doctor's note so, for the first time in a long time, I used my power for evil and got one.

"I am. Doctor's orders."

She hesitates for a second, then, "You're getting awfully thin." I know that isn't meant to be a positive statement, and it's laced with concern and a little judgement, but I have to bite back a smile.

Once I get it together, I ask, "How is this PR related?"

"People are going to start noticing."

"I haven't seen anyone say a single thing about it," I state innocently.

"Keep going at the rate you're going and you'll be a skeleton. That'll be hard to ignore."

"This diet isn't to lose weight, it's to stay healthy, you know that." Liarliarliarliarliar.

"I know Mel, but maybe you should talk to your doctor about getting it altered."

"I have but he won't hear it." Lieslieslieslieslies.

"How about dietary supplements?"

"I'm perfectly healthy, Abie, I don't need any supplements."

"I thought you were on this diet because you weren't healthy."

Think fast think fast think fast. "I'm healthy because of this diet. I don't know why this is even a topic of conversation. Let's move on."

She seems to consider keeping this conversation going, but decides against it. "Let's talk about that old man reporter you snapped at."

I squeeze my eyes shut immediately in shame. "I know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

"No, no, no, it was good! You've got the public calling you a feminist icon, news outlets praising you, fans defending you. It's all very best case scenario."

I haven't gone on social media since I said those things, out of fear, so I'm pleased to hear this. "That's awesome," I get out through a big smile.

"The well-spoken princess saying 'awesome,' now, that's something you don't hear everyday."

We laugh a little bit more, and I ask if her brother's wedding was nice and if her dad is recovering from his surgery until time runs out. "Alright, Mel, you have to go."

"Okay," I nod, smiling.

"Have your doctor call me, alright? We'll get this sorted out."

I remain calm on the outside, and try to match it on the inside. I'll figure this out, it'll be okay. "Okay, I will."

"Stay sane, Mel."

"Will do, Abs."

"Will you send Josh in?"

I nod and walk from her office, tugging at the hem of my skirt.

Dear reader,
Sorry this is kinda late! It's still Wednesday here but it's Thursday most other places, even where J is. Just so y'all know, I'm struggling with my mental health a lot rn, but I'm trying to work through it so me and J can continue to write. I love you all v v much. Stay sane
Ps. How are you? I genuinely want to know, please tell me how you're doing <3

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