1.1: Ashley

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I'm sitting next to Josh and Tyler when I hear the shrieking from across the halls. It's unmistakably Marina's voice. The three of us bolt up and walk briskly through the crowds of people in the direction of the screams.

We soon get in a close enough range of her that we can make out the words. "How dare you? I, an incredible young woman, have been flirting with you all night! You should feel honored! I didn't hang out here all night talking to you just to be called your friend!"

The boy I see her talking to widens his eyes and sputters, "I - I'm sorry, Princess, I just thought that we were becoming friends, so I-"

"Friends?" she interrupts. "Do you really believe I've been talking to you all night to be your friend? I don't deserve to be treated like this! Do you even know who I am? This is the king's engagement party, who just so happens to be my father! How dare you?"

Everyone watches in horror and she continues to scream and wave her arms around. Suddenly, I see Melanie push through the crowd and quickly grab Marina's arm. She whispers in Mar's ear and slowly pulls her away from the crowd. Josh, Tyler, Ella, and I all look at each other in mild horror and complete embarrassment. We nod to each other in silent agreement and follow Mel and Mar, the guests' judging eyes watching us as we walk briskly from the ballroom.

This is routine for us-- one of us grabs a brush, another a pill to calm her down, and another a glass of water. We smile, act normal, and gently shield the sobbing Mar from the occasional flash of a camera. Marina needs to be prepped and back to a normal state in a minute or less, or the party will stop for real. And that can never happen. Mel, thank god for her, gently whispers calming thoughts, and holds her hand. Soon, the tears dry up, and the façade returns. By this time, we've crossed the back hallway, and made it to the other end of the ballroom. The bunch of us stand before the doors, and on the count of three, begin to fake laugh raucously. The doors burst open, and we make our way into the ballroom, giggling and grabbing our sides. Mel's told Marina what to do, and even though the stares of the royalty follow us, we make our way over to the thoroughly embarrassed duke.

"Dear duke, I'm so, so sorry!" Marina says in a sickly-sweet tone, and lets out a little chuckle. "I think I took that one a little too far..." The rest of us giggle a bit. "I genuinely like you, but we played a little prank on you to have some fun!" The young man's expression changes from surprise, to anger, to a thin calm. We're above him in rank, and while we don't usually use our powers like this, we have to. The duke can't call us out at all, so he has to laugh as if he knew it all along. I pull Marina away after a few minutes, and the boys continue to placate him.

The night drags on as usual, and I try to no avail to get drunk enough for time to speed up. Our group scatters across the ballroom, making small talk with people below us, and plastering on smiles like we really want to be here.


After the party, we head back to Marina's castle, since we're in her country for the event. We could take a jet to one of the more exciting castles, like Ella's, which we're pretty sure is haunted, but we're too tired, so we take a stretch limo back to the white brick castle on the edge of the countryside.

We step out of the limo when we arrive, and I quickly grab Josh's hand, realizing that there could be paparazzi lurking around. We all walk quietly into the castle, past the guards and the huge wooden doors, trying to seem proper and put together. The act falls the second the door closes.

I push Josh away from me as fast as I can. "It was so painful to have to be your girlfriend all night," I groan.

Josh rolls his eyes. "Well, it would've been easier, for me at least, if you hadn't gotten so drunk."

"I'm not drunk, I'm just buzzed," I state, throwing myself down on the red velvet sofa.

"Ash, I'm saying this because I love you," he says, sitting down on the couch next to mine. "You're really drunk."

I yawn and decide I'm too tired to fight him on this. "Whatever, loser, at least I had some fun tonight."

"Is it fun for you to yell at me while everyone stares?" he asks, not wanting to give up on this argument.

"It is actually," I chuckle. "Also, I didn't see people looking, but I think I covered it up once I noticed."

"They still saw us bickering. We have to be more careful. Remember, we're-."

"-the perfect couple," I finish for him. "Yeah, whatever, save it for the publicist."

"Guys," Marina speaks up as everyone finds a seat in the lounge room, "not to be rude or anything, but can we talk about something that matters?"

We both apologize, and everyone looks to Mar. She raises her eyebrows. "What? Is there something in my teeth?"

Ella decides to take this one. "Are we going to discuss your meltdown in the middle of the party?"

Mar rolls her eyes. "It was nothing. You know me, I tend to be overdramatic."

"We want to help, Mar," Melanie says. "Was that about your dad getting married so fast after-"

"Let's just," she interrupts, "not talk about it, okay? Let's talk about Tyler's latest breakdown. What happened, Ty?"

Tyler looks up. He's currently draped over Josh's lap, Josh absentmindedly playing with his hair. "Oh, um, I don't know," he mutters. Josh whispers something in his ear, and Ty smiles lightly.

"You guys are so gay," Marina laughs. She doesn't mean it in an offensive way, we all know that.

"Correct," Josh chuckles. "I am very, very gay."

"I'm not," Ty chokes a little. "I'm very, very straight."

"Whatever you say, Ty," Ella coos, and we all laugh.

In the small window of silence, I become acutely aware of how itchy this dress makes me, so I stand up and strip it off, making sure to grab my flask out of the top before I unzip it.

Everyone seems to notice, and they follow my lead. Everyone except Mel. She has this weird thing about people seeing her body.

If someone walked in right now, they'd probably think we were part of a mass orgy or something, but we're really just comfortable like this. Ball gowns and tuxes stripped off, fake eyelashes peeled from our eyelids, lipstick smeared onto the back of our hands. Completely raw, and completely real. Being members of almost every royal family in Europe, being real is something we hardly get to do.
Dear readers,
!!!!first chapter!!!!
We've been waiting to post this for forever and we are so happy to finally be sharing it with you guys! Princess Ashley is the first character I'll be writing, and J will be responsible for the next character. Hope you guys enjoyed! Also, the chapter aesthetic is at the top.
PS. Which character are you most excited to read about?

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