3.0: Interlude

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3.0 Interlude: Abie Schwartz

Things to do, things to do... I've definitely forgotten something important. A whirlwind of activity buzzes around me, papers being signed, interns bustling about holding trays of coffee, and the clacking of heels down cherry wood floors. A door swings open, and I stride into my office, everything neat, yet I'm unable to find anything. I know I have something important today, but I can't remember what... A report? An article? A meeting with an editor? A scream and a crash sound outside my door, and I know exactly what, or more accurately, who, I forgot about.

The Royals have arrived.

Being a director for one of the most esteemed PR agencies is my dream job, but work doesn't magically transform into fun. My job is to take the hot messes of celebrities that wash up in my office and transform them to the compassionate, interesting, and witty people they show up as on-screen. One of my toughest jobs are the Royals... So many scandals, so much inbreeding, and a current brood of young adults leads to a melting pot of every PR disaster possible. I began on the current princes and princesses when they were born, and I've seen them grow up before my eyes. I love them as if they were my own children, but they give me the most stress of any of my clients. I wonder what today will entail, and I briefly remember some of the most recent events-- parties and conventions. My little brood has its bright sides, but one thing that only Melanie seems to know is how to act in public. Tyler and Josh are getting there, Ella just needs a bit of a boost socially, Marina scrapes by occasionally, and then there's Ashley. Ashley... where do I even begin? See, Marina at least began as a fine child, but Ashley was always a problem. Ashley loved to throw fits at the most convenient times when she was a baby and toddler. Now, it seems to be no different.

I hear them before I see them, the clatter of their shoes and chattering of their entourages. Bows are made and curtsies thrown in their direction, because as the six Royals pass in the halls, they are the Queens. I pop an aspirin in my mouth preemptively and take a few deep breaths. I love them, right? It's just a phase, okay? They'll cool down, and I'll be fine and I'll get to go to the south of France, and, and, and-

My door is slammed open by Ashley, who is currently in a mood. Ella creeps in behind her, giving a little apologetic wave and meek smile. As she goes to comfort Princess Ashley, Tyler and Josh calmly file into the room, followed by Melanie, who seems to be deteriorating from the outside in, and Marina, who is too preoccupied with her hair to give me a second glance.

The south of France is starting to look really good right now.

"Hello!" I clap once, and their attention is immediately focused in my direction. I'm at that point beyond bowing and formal introductions, and the loud noise is sufficient to stop the chatter. I grab my iPad and swipe to find my schedule.

"Today is individual support," I tell them. It's where I take them into a room one by one and check up. I usually get the most out of them alone, because together, too much time is wasted laughing. Today is especially important, since it happens to be right after the party, the UN convention, and the announcement of the causes. Even though it's been one PR disaster after another in the past few weeks, if I can squeeze the compassionate side of these kids, they won't be universally hated. Charity always pulls heartstrings.

I've decided to go from toughest to easiest, so naturally, I shoo everyone out of the room except for Princess Ashley.

I offer her a seat, and she collapses into the leather seat opposite me, and swivels mindlessly from side to side. My desk isn't big enough to hide the shame written all over her face-- I can still see it from my view.

"Ashley, Ashley, Ashley...oh honey, where do we even begin?"

Dear readers,
Abie is here and ready to fluff up our problematic faves!!

On a more serious note, readers, Lo and I are going on a very short hiatus from Queens. With tests and school and work, we're a little too weighted down right now to continue at this pace. We'll be back in 1-2 weeks if we can, so in the meantime, please share your thoughts on the story so far!

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