1 ↠ Mystical.

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10 AM. New York City.

     Taylor Swift was having a long day. It was full of boredom, and a dragging day in interviews. She trudges to home to her apartment in NYC.

     Her friends were all coming over tonight, just to relax. Taylor was ignoring the paparazzi completely, and listening to whatever was on her playlist for today.

After a short distance through a shortcut to avoid paparazzi, Taylor trips over a rather large object. She stops momentarily and looks down at the now glowing book. The blonde picks it up, reading the title.

High School Recovery. I wonder what that means.

Taylor shoves it into her bag and continues on with her walk home.

8 PM. Taylor's apartment.

Hours later, the party has begun. All of Taylor's friends were in the kitchen sitting at the table, rambling about the usual things. Taylor found her spot beside Karlie, her tall best friend. Karlie smiles at her and places a hand on her leg. It's complicated.

"Whatever Selena, you can't say you're in love with Justin after all this time again." Taylor lets out a groan, sliding down her seat.

"As if you can be talking Swift. You're the queen of breakups." Gigi Hadid says,rolling her eyes.

"We already know you're in love with Karlie." Martha giggles and slaps Karlie's shoulder. Karlie quickly removes her hand from Taylor's leg.

"That's totally why Adam's her beard." Lily joins in on the pelting of Taylor and Karlie.

     Cara Delevingne comes in with a full plate of food and a full mouth. She decides to stay quiet.

"Everyone just cool their jets. I have something to show you. I found it on the sidewalk today." Taylor stands and grabs her bag from off the counter.

She turns her bag upside down and the glowing book from earlier slides out. The faces of all the girls turn to shock, Selena Gomez covering her mouth.

"What even is this Taylor?" Karlie asks. Taylor's shrugs my shoulders and sit down beside her. Martha decides to pick it up and blow the book off.

"High School Recovery. Should we open it?" Martha pulls at the seams a little bit.

"Wait!" Taylor reaches over and stops Martha's hands. "We have no clue what this book has power over, or what it could possibly do. Look at it! It's glowing out the sides!" Taylor continues.

"We should have a vote on opening it." Cara wipes her mouth with her hand. She takes the book from Martha and hands it to Selena,whom was reaching for it herself.

"That's not a bad idea. Raise your hand if you'd like to open it!" Taylor tells the small group of friends. Almost all of their hands raise except for one, which was Karlie.

"Why didn't you raise your hand Kar?" The short-haired blonde asked the taller blonde.

"I'm afraid it's going to hurt us in the long run." Karlie explains, showing affection by rubbing Taylor's leg.

     "Well that's too bad Kloss. You're outvoted." Gigi slams her palm on the table.

     "Well let's open it shall we?" Selena looks at the cover one last time before trying to open it. She pulls as hard as she possibly can, and still no luck.

    "Here let me try. I've gotten some guns from working out lately." Gigi brags, grabbing the book. But just as Selena failed, Gigi did too.

     "Maybe it's a sign we shouldn't open it—" Karlie was interrupted by Cara's attempt and yelling.

     "Oi! Quit being a buzz—KILL!" Cara pulls, still the book will not open.

     "Maybe it's because Taylor picked it up. You try Taylor!" Lily grabs the book and hands it to her. Taylor fixes the book up straight.

     Karlie's grip on Taylor's leg tightened, her fear getting the best of her.

     "We will be alright Karlie, don't worry." Taylor grips the back of the model's neck, trying to bring reassurance to the situation. Karlie sighs and nods her head, waiting for Taylor to open the book.

     "Here goes nothing." Taylor easily flips the book open, the glowing book now free of it's chains. The room started to shake, a strong vacuum like wind coming from the book.

     "What's HAPPENING!" Selena screams, holding herself to the chair. The book's winds only get stronger, pulling whatever it can into it. The glowing turns different colors, exploding a dark purple at the moment.

     "IT'S TRYING TO SUCK US IN! EVERYONE HOLD ON!" Taylor yells as louder as possible, Karlie holding onto her and the chair.

     "I can't...hold.. ON!" Gigi was holding onto her chair, as Cara was trying to hold her down. The winds continued to grow stronger, not stopping it's hunger for the singers and models. Gigi lets go of the chair screaming, and the book sucks her in.

     "OH MY GOD! IT GOT GIGI!" Cara was now in the situation Gigi was just in, Lily trying to hold her down now. Karlie was now crying, holding onto Taylor as tightly as possible.

"Everyone face it! It's not going to stop until we all go into it! We have got to save Gigi! Just let go!" Taylor explains, as loud as possible. She looks at Karlie for her to let go, but she doesn't want to.

"I'll count us down! 3!2!1!" Taylor puts her arms around Karlie completely, who was holding them both now. She struggles to hold on much longer anyways.

"LET GO!" Taylor announces, as all the friends let go of their hold on the chairs. It sucks them in one by one, other than Karlie and Taylor.

Inside the books realm, colors explode and the opening shuts behind them. A pair of "hands" grab the pair separately, pulling them apart.

"I love you." Karlie tells Taylor, as the hands break the pair apart and send them in two different directions.


Taylor wakes up abruptly. But she's not in her NYC apartment anymore. She's in her Nashville home. Her alarm clock was going off, as she looked around her room, to find just writings of her first album.

Her mother busts through her bedroom door, with a huge smile on her face.

"Who's ready for their first day of their new high school?"

Oh no.


Hello! Welcome to my new Kaylor AU!

I've thought about doing a 3rd person AU for a while now, and here it is! I hope you guys enjoyed!

Also if you read my other Kaylor story(Homophobic), that will be my main story and this one will have probably slower updates. So I don't get disadvantaged to write.

Do you have any questions for me? Please comment them! I'd love to answer them!

Also if you're wondering if Taylor's friends are all going to be at her school, they are. Everyone now lives in Nashville like Taylor does! But dear Taylor will be surprised with how they look...

Until next time!
-Mallery(The author)

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