20 ↠ Ludicrous.

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ridiculous; laughable:

     "Karlie, have you been on social media lately? Because you might want to look at this." Cara sits down beside her while holding the disgusting post between Karlie and Toni in her hands. She also has a plate of just tater tots. The group of girls were all sitting at lunch together discussing plans.

     "No, what's up? I'm a little more worried about getting out of this realm than this time's social media." Karlie takes a bite of her cookie and drops Taylor's hand to grab Cara's phone.

     "Don't look T. You won't like what you see." Cara leans over Karlie to push Taylor back. Taylor takes offense and immediately looks at the post.

     "Did everybody hear the news? Taylor and Karlie have broke up and she's left her for me! I have picture proof too!" The post showed a blurry photo of the forced kiss in the bathroom.

    "Okay, I can explain. She pushed herself onto me this morning." Karlie looks immediately at Taylor who has a large amount of hurt in her eyes. Right as Karlie was going to explain more, Martha Hunt sits down at the girls table.

     "Martha! I'm so glad you could finally join us. I hope you don't believe that Instagram post." Lily moves over so Martha has room right beside Selena.

     "Fess up." She nudges Selena who has stayed quiet about the whole ordeal. Selena sits down her book and looks at Karlie.

     "I— I took the photo. I'm so sorry Karlie she threatened to call the police on us for that thing we did at her house Saturday! Please don't be mad." Selena spits out as quickly as possible. Martha puts a hand on her shoulder.  Taylor has slid away from Karlie and closer to Cara.

     "And Taylor! Karlie would never cheat on you, okay? Toni did push herself onto her this morning and she immediately pulled her off." Selena nodded her head at Karlie.

     "She's right. But don't worry about this. Because I have the whole threat of the other day on video. Katy didn't check the stalls when you two walked in. I'm sure I could snip and cut the law parts out." Martha smiles and she slides the video over to Taylor. They all gather to watch Toni blackmail Selena.

     "Alright. Welcome to the squad Martha. Everyone, to my house after school today. We only have one more person to collect before getting back home." Taylor grabs her things as the rest of the table stands right as the bell rings.

     "What are you talking about?" Martha ask. Suddenly Oliver pops out of Taylor's bag.

     "I'll explain later." The cat smiles at her. Martha is shocked as she slowly backs away from the group to get to her next class.


     "Taylor, Taylor! Are you going to let me talk to you about this?" Karlie runs to keep up with Taylor after school. Taylor was dead set on not talking to Karlie for the rest of the day after the whole situation.

     "You didn't even tell me Karlie! You saw me in class before lunch and you said nothing! Why did you keep that from me?" Taylor lashed back at Karlie and she continued heading to Abigail's car.

     "I'm going to be completely honest and say it totally slipped my mind! Taylor, it's me from our realm. You know I have absolutely no interest in her anymore. I'm yours, and always going to be yours. Please don't be jealous." Karlie grabs one of Taylor's hands. Taylor's face softens as she turns to hug Karlie.

     "I'm sorry, I just haven't felt that way for a long time. Please don't keep stuff like that from me. You know I love you," Taylor hugs Karlie tighter and rests her head on Karlie's chest.

     "I promise, and I love you too. We're almost out of here remember? I'll see you tonight," Karlie tilts Taylor's head up and kisses her softly.

     Taylor decides to lean into it and start more than they should as Abigail honks her horn. They jump apart from each other and Taylor flips her off.  Abigail rolls down her window.

     "I figured the rumors were fake. You two can't keep your hands off of each other!" Abigail yells. Taylor kisses Karlie's cheek once more and heads to the car. She places her bag down tightly shut so Oliver doesn't show.

     "Yeah, and we have blackmail to get back at Toni tonight. I'm excited that she's going to get what she deserves." Taylor laughs as she looks out the window.


     "Ah! What, where, who, why?" Martha looks around wildly after Oliver regains her memory. The group of girls all wait for her to recover as they sit around Taylor's high school bedroom.

     "Do you remember the party at my house? Where we found this book?" Taylor grabs High School Recovery out of her bag. The book immediately opens to ludicrous. Taylor shoves Karlie as she grins at the word.

"The book must be talking about Toni's post today. You gotta believe me now," Karlie wraps her hands around Taylor's waist. Taylor relaxes in her arms.

"I believed you after school today, you have nothing more to prove," Taylor agrees. Martha was still standing in the same position, staring at the book.

"We got sucked into that thing! Why are you carrying it around?" Martha touches the book as if it's magic.

"In order to get you all back to your realm, the original party members must all touch the book as friends. Taylor has been working since the beginning of the school year to befriend all of you again." Oliver explains.

"So I was last! Hurtful Taylor!" Martha shows offense.

"It's whoever she comes in contact with, Martha. You know she chose Karlie first." Cara laughs as she spins around in Taylor's chair.

"Okay, Oliver recommended I choose Karlie because she's the easiest cheeseball." Taylor laughs and squeezes Karlie tighter.

"All very much true. Did you post the video, Martha?" Karlie scrolls through social media with one hand while holding Taylor with the other.

"Yeah it's up, Toni's going to be furious. Also, who's left?" Martha looks around at the group of girls.

"Gigi. Which is the most difficult, because she's on Katy's side." Taylor shows a look of concern.

"Don't worry, we'll get her back. We're almost out of here now, don't give up hope." Lily says as she holds Oliver in her arms.

"Now let's get formulating a plan!" Martha smiles, happy to be back in the group.


Oh my god I cannot believe I just wrote all this in the matter of two hours.

Okay I'm going to be completely honest with you I have no idea how I'm going to get Gigi back and it's been over a year since I wrote this story.

I would imagine there's like two chapters left I just don't know how to even end it!! I know some people lately have wanted me to update and I had some free time this morning so I'm like :)))

Also I felt bad because of the stuff irl going on with Karlie and Taylor that they might finally be dead and it hurts my kaylor heart.

But hey we don't have proof until one of them lets us know what's up! Not some likes!

Anyways thank you for reading, comment how I should get Gigi back and finish this story!(hopefully by the end of year tbh)

"Cause shade never made anybody less gay so!"
-Malpal luvs u

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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