12 ↠ Becomingly.

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"I didn't know you were a lesbian! I have something to come out to too. Louis and I are dating." Harry explains to the very red Karlie and Taylor.

     "That's great Harry! But I was trying to get you off of me to be honest." Taylor complies, trying to reduce the tomato red in her face. Karlie was pretty stoic, and seemed disinterested in the conversation.

"Uh— I'll be back later Taylor. I think Lily is calling me over." Karlie mumbles, obviously upset over Taylor's last comment. Taylor tries to grab her arm and stop her, but Karlie was already surfing the crowd.

"Probably not your smoothest move. I'm 99% sure that you two had something going on." Harry shrugs, pulling Louis close. Taylor searches the crowd for her ex-lover, confused and frazzled on why she exactly said that out loud. I like Karlie. A lot. Why would I ever say that?

"Yeah well— I'll talk to you two later. Have fun at the party!" Taylor shoos the couple off, as she dashes into the crowd to find Karlie. Being pushed up against the wall, Taylor had made it to the living room, where a game of beer pong was going on. Calvin was playing against Zayn Malik, as a huge group of girls surrounded them. Katy Perry, Gigi Hadid and Toni Garrn were on the alert, as Taylor snuck by them. She didn't want to be caught up in drama here, and they were obviously looking for it.

Taylor had finally spotted Karlie, sitting at a table online, nursing what it looks like to be beer. She spins on her heel as she falls onto some other girl, and can't help but realize the face. Dianna Argon.

"Taylor Swift. Good to see you again." Dianna's sly curve of words hit Taylor bouncily. Taylor gulps as she looks into those deep green eyes. She could almost get lost in those and write a song about them. Oh wait, that's what Wonderland is.

"Di! Long time no see! I'd love to stay and chat for a bit, but I'm trying to get to my friend over there," Taylor tries to push past the conversation as Dianna's hands wrap around her waist.

"Uh yeah— I've got to be heading out— good seeing you Dianna!" Taylor tries to take Dianna's hold off of her, as the green eyed girl gave her a meaningful kiss on the mouth.

"Call me." Dianna left the taller blonde to a wide opened mouth Karlie, whom was now crying even harder. What have I done, Taylor thinks.

"Karlie!" Taylor cries out loud, chasing the taller blonde through the house. She ends up following her outside and onto the balcony. Karlie faces the singer, tears streaming down her face.

"I thought what we had was real Taylor. I can't believe you just threw everything we had together in the trash for some other girl." Karlie tries to wipe her tears, her makeup carefully running down her face. Taylor tries to touch her but Karlie pulls away, staying as far away as possible from Taylor.

"Karlie, please listen to me. It's not like that! I really like you a lot Kar. Hear me out." Taylor reaches for Karlie's hand and intertwines it with her own. Karlie nods her head for Taylor to continue.

"First, the Harry thing. I really didn't want to do that to us, but I didn't know what else to do to get him off of us. I shouldn't have played with your emotions like that and I'm sorry. Two, the girl who just kissed me. I have no honest clue why! I haven't seen her since who knows and she kisses me out of the blue! I would never do that to you Kar, ever." Taylor places her hands on her cheeks, wiping away any extra tears. Karlie shuts her eyes, and tries to think about all of this information.

"Here. Let me prove to you how much you mean to me. May I have this dance?" Taylor steps back and puts out one of her hands. Karlie looks at it skeptically at first, but finally accepts as she places her hand in Taylor's.

"You may." Karlie steps forward, placing her hands around Taylor's hips. Taylor snakes her hands around Karlie's neck, pulling her as close as possible. The doors were shut to the main party, but the thump of the beat can still be heard through the door. Karlie and Taylor swished back and forth, along to the beat.

"I'm so sorry Kar." Taylor puts her head into the nape of Karlie's neck, feeling so comfortable with the love of her life.

"I know you are. Don't ever do that to me again." Karlie laughs, and plants a few kisses to Taylor's forehead. Taylor tries to cuddle in as close as her head would allow it, as her body sways to the music.

"Hey you two! Get in here! We're playing strip pool!" Lily had busted through the door, catching them both red handed. They jumped off of each other like a wet cat, both thanking God it was only Lily.

"Come on Karlie. If this isn't comfortable we won't play."


The game was about to start, and it was a mess. Karlie, Taylor, and lily were standing on one side as Katy, Gigi and Toni were on the other.

"Here's the rules dweebs! I can't believe you decided to join their squad Lil. This is a game of strip pool! Every time your opponent gets their solid or stripe into a hole, you strip a piece of clothing! So Karlie, you're up first. Stripes or solids?" Toni challenges, slamming her hands on the pool table, messing up Katy's perfect triangle of balls.

"Toni! Stop being a hoe and get the game going!" Katy hisses, setting up the balls once more.

"Solids." Karlie shrugs, holding onto Taylor's hand.

"Let's spin the wheel! Who's going to be Karlie's competitor?" Toni spins the fake wheel she just made, with the six girls on it.

"Taylor will be! Let's get this game started!"


This was so much easier to write because I haven't wrote in a while woo

Ayyyy how are you

What did you think? Who's ready for some strip poool????? I'm not lol

When is Karlie going to remember who she really is??? I don't know I haven't thought about it oops

Anyways! This chapter had a little more action and more drama is coming ur way!! I'm so excited!!!

Thank u for reading!

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(My goal is 5 comments, but if it doesn't hit I'll still update I just want a chapter goal for once lol)

"Can someone remind Taylor what a New York City is?"

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