2 ↠ Vulnerable.

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Susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm

     After a long search through what it looks to be her own old room, she found the book that put her in this place. It was glowing a bright white. Taylor quickly opens the book for a written on cat to pop out. The page was glowing on vulnerable.

     "I must be dreaming." The now teenager says. The cat looks up at Taylor, and shows his pearly white canines.

     "Hello Taylor. I'm Oliver Benson." The written cat pipes up, grinning at the girl.

     "There's no way this is real. A cat can't be talking to me." Taylor's eyes almost pop out of her skull seeing the greenish cat sit at her mirror.

"I apologize in advance that I'm glowing green. It always happens when I pop out of this book. Do you know what power you unleashed when you opened this book, Taylor?" Oliver the glowing green cat asks.

"I just thought it was interesting because it was glowing! I didn't mean to start all of this mess—OH MY GOD! I LOOK THE ABSOLUTE SAME AGE OF 25! IM JUST SHORTER! Is that supposed to happen?" Taylor touches her face, afraid that this change is permanent.

"You're in an alternate universe Taylor. Anything can happen to your old life. Now if this change is permanent—" Taylor grabs the now white fur ball. The cat lets out a shakeable meow at Taylor's touch.

"My friends! You came out of the book, please tell me how to get out of here!" The panicked, younger short-haired blonde strangles the cat.

A knock is heard at the door.

"Taylor? Are you ready to go? School starts in 15 minutes!" A younger female voice calls for the blonde.

"Who is that? Is that one of my friends? It sounds like Abigail." Taylor reclaims her calmness and sits the book cat down on her dresser. Taylor opens the door to find whom she thought she would find. Abigail.

"Taylor! You're dressed like you're about to go to a party! Are you sure you want to wear that to school?" Abigail looks at Taylor with a very confused face. I didn't even realize I'm wearing the same thing from the party.

"Give me like two minutes Abby! I'll be down in just a second! You're absolutely right!" Taylor slams the door in Abigail's face and goes back over to the place where the cat used to sit.

"Where'd you go, you alternate universe of my cat Olivia!" Taylor looks around the room to see the book was shut. It opens and out pops the written on cat.

"I'll explain after school. Just don't get yourself into situations that you wouldn't usually get into. You're the same 15 year old in a 25 year old's body. Also, none of your friends remember you." Oliver shuts the book with his paw and drags it over to Taylor's first high school book bag.

"None of my friends know who I am? What am I supposed to do?" Throwing clothes in the air, Taylor switched to a more appropriate school wear outfit.

"You have to fix your friendships with all of them to get back home. I'm here to help you. So carry the book in your bag and I'll fix myself to look more feline like. Nobody needs to know about me until they know who you truly are. Let's head to school, shall we?" Oliver jumps in the book bag as he waits for Taylor to zip it up.


"You look like you've seen a ghost, Tay. You alright?" Abigail finally starts conversation when they're basically at school.

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