7 ↠ Intrigued.

935 92 42

Arouse of curiosity or interest of; fascinated

The car ride home for Taylor was drastically loud and jokingly everywhere. Taylor had felt like she was back in her high school roots, with her adult friends involved.

"Can I ask you a question?" Abigail had been seemingly serious after their lip-sync battle of whatever was out at this time.

"Yeah! What's up?" Taylor rearranged her bag in discomfort, worried about the question overall.

"What's going on with you and that Karlie girl? She's like a major jock and you're hanging out with her?" Abigail had turned down their now road, and a lot more houses were surrounding Taylor's house.

"She's a character herself, but we met in gym, and she's honestly so sweet to be around." Taylor had already found herself gushing about her once love.

"Does Taylor have a crush? On a girl? That's definitely a new one for me." Abigail had now parked on the side of the road at Taylor's home.

"I don't know what it is Abs. But thanks for the ride today! I'll see you tomorrow." Taylor shuffled out of the car and quickly made it into her home.

The door creaked open for Taylor to find her mom cooking some sort of stew. She immediately stopped stirring to look at Taylor with a happy smile.

"How was your first day at school honey?" Andrea began getting out bowls for the Swift family to eat later on.

"Why are you cooking so early mom? It was alright I guess." Taylor tried to slowly travel up the stairs to talk to Oliver about this day.

"I don't know sweetie, I know your father gets home from work a little earlier and is always hungry." Andrea continued to walk back and stir the pot of stew.

"Alright mom! I've got a lot of homework to do so just call me down when it's ready." Taylor makes a bolt for her room, not leaving any time for her mom to reply. She shuts the door tightly behind her as she reaches in her bag to get out Oliver.

"Explain. Right now." Taylor sat the cat on her bed, waiting very impatiently.

"What do you want to know first?" Oliver gave a confused look.

"Why am I even here? I don't want to be here! I want my friends back and my normal pop star life!" Taylor had already started to complain, her thoughts coming out way too fast.

"The book possesses magical powers to send you back to your younger time. You have the main power because you found it and took it with you. It now has you and all your friends trapped until you befriend them again." Oliver reluctantly says.

"Why did you say Karlie was so special to me getting out of here?" Taylor was full of questions that she had no clue how to answer them.

"Before you entered this realm, you and Karlie were in love. You might have had a complicated relationship, but regardless of what the media had to say about you two, you stood tall and loved each other regardless. The main key for you to get out of here is for you to make Karlie fall in love with you. She's done it before, and it looks like she can do it again." Oliver had reached inside the bag to paw out the book that glows.

"What about everyone else? Abigail, Adam, Katy, and the people not at my party: what am I supposed to do with them?" Taylor sat down beside the white ball of fur.

"Stay out of their way. They'll do everything in their power to get in your way of your friendships. You have to be careful," Oliver was now scrolling through the book again. It has flipped to the word intrigue.

"Once you befriend one of your friends, their brains will start working like yours is. It will regain everything in your home realm, and they can help you with befriending everyone else." Oliver continued to fill Taylor's brain with information. It was a lot to take in for her.

"Who do you think I should start with? I know this is just so confusing for me and I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. I want to go home so badly." Taylor felt almost broken. She just wanted her friends back and her family to be normal.

"Well obviously, I would recommend you going after Karlie. She's your best friend and your girlfriend, which would probably help you out the most in the long run." Oliver was wearing a sneaky grin.

A basketball was loudly being bounced outside of her house. Taylor runs to the window to see Karlie and Cara shooting and laughing with each other. They were just across the street.

"Cara lives just across the street from you now. I'm pretty sure Karlie only lives just a few houses down. I would go over and talk to them for a little bit." Oliver has jumped on the window sill, nudging Taylor.

"Don't you think that's a little awkward? Like we're moving too fast?" Taylor was staring at Karlie, whom had just shot a three pointer on Cara, and was laughing at the angry girl.

"Look at that Taylor, Cara is pointing to your house. They look to be talking about you," Oliver was pawing at the window, as Taylor ducks immediately.

"Looks like she's picking up a rose. Oh my gosh Taylor! Karlie's walking over to your house with a rose! Her face is blood red—" Oliver is cut off by Taylor pushing to her body to the window. He was right, Karlie was walking over while Cara continued to shoot basketball.

"Oh my God! What do I do Oliver— I'm freaking out— help me!" Taylor picked the cat up and spun him around.

"You better get down there before your mom invites her in for a meal—oof!" Oliver was dropped by Taylor as she runs out of her room to the front door.

She opens the door to find Karlie standing there, with a completely red face. She looked at Taylor with a shaky smile.

"You dropped your calculator when you left—Cara found it and I thought I'd return it. She said you lived here, and thankfully you do," Karlie was stumbling so badly that it made Taylor smile even bigger.

"Since I was heading over here, this rose is for you too. I'm being sappy and we just met, but I don't know—I'm going to stop talking now." Karlie was so embarrassed as she handed the calculator to the singer.

"Oh Karlie that's so sweet! Thank you for returning this to me. The rose is beautiful also, what a thoughtful thing to do." Taylor sat the calculator down and gave Karlie a huge hug.

"Taylor? Who's this young girl? And would she like to come in for dinner?" Andrea had appeared behind the two. Taylor leaned back to look at her mom, her face now pink.

"You don't have to if you don't want to Karlie. This is my mom." Taylor was now the stumbler.

"I'd love to!"


Okay I had to write a little bit more to get the end where I wanted it.

I know they're all a bunch of saps right now I CANT HELP IT THEYRE SO CUTE TOGETHER

How do you think the story is going so far? Too slow? Too fast? What do you think I should add? (Comment pls!)

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, I know I did!!

I got an Apple Watch (:

Anyways if you don't know my tumblr it's: Iknowkaylor if you had any questions about the story, feel free to ask them please!

Klossy the snowman!

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