13 ↠ Klutzy.

871 78 18

Clumsy, likely to mess up.

     "Come on Taylor. Let's play." Karlie grabs a pool stick and lines up her first shot. It's a straight shot and the balls go everywhere. The shot was a pretty good one.

     Taylor stands back and slightly feels her nerves raise up into her hands. This is strip pool. What am I getting myself into?

    "Nice shot Kar. I also forgot a rule! If your opponent makes the other competitor's ball go in, they have to strip clothing. Take your first shot Taylor." Toni shoves a pool stick into Taylor's shaking hands.

Taylor lines up the stick to a stripe.A straight shot to the ball would have the striped ball go into the hole. Taylor takes a hit and the ball goes completely to the right, hitting Karlie's solid and it rolls into the hole.

"There goes one of Karlie's solids! Strip Taylor!" Katy cocks her head to the side, watching Taylor's face turn completely red. Taylor takes off her heels awkwardly and sits them to the side. This is going to be a long game.


The game ended quite quickly. Toni brought everyone drinks and basically everyone but Karlie got drunk. Taylor continued to hit the wrong balls, her brain completely groggily. Taylor had to start playing the game in reverse because she was out of clothes in basically minutes. To save embarrassment, Karlie stops the game after halfway through, saying she had to pee and Taylor was tired of reverse clothing herself.

"Come on Tay. Let's get you fixed back up again." Karlie takes Taylor's hand and drags her to the nearest bathroom. Bumping into everyone, Taylor's head was rolling around in a circle, the alcohol getting to her head. Heels in hand, Taylor and Karlie finally make it to the bathroom.

"Oh my God! Forget that bathroom we'll manage without." Karlie slams the door on the naked couple doing something not so pleasant on her eyes.

"What was going on?" Taylor tries to open the door but Karlie stands in front of it.

"Sex. Come on, we'll find another bathroom." Karlie takes Taylor's hand once again, but runs straight into Gigi Hadid.

"Oh— I'm sorry. The game got boring so I wanted to check on you guys. Everything okay?" Gigi actually asks sincerely, but Taylor isn't quite buying it.

"Well, it's just the usual party sex in the bathroom, so we're going to find somewhere else to clean her up. I'll probably just let her use my car mirror—"

"No wait! I know where you two can go! There's a room upstairs that's empty and I'm sure Calvin won't mind if you use the bathroom to clean up for a few minutes. I was just up there like 3 minutes ago." Gigi cuts Karlie off to babble all of that out. Karlie gives her a side look, not completely buying that either.

"Come on! I'll show you," Gigi takes Karlie's other hand and drags the two upstairs. It's a straightaway hallway, and the last room on the right is the one they went into. There was a basic bathroom attached to the room, so Gigi wasn't completely lying. Taylor flops into a desk chair and lays her head down on the desk.

"Uhm... I'll let you two do whatever you need. Tootles!" Gigi slams the door. Outside of the closed door, Gigi wedges a screwdriver into the key hole to jam the door completely. Katy and Toni had arrived to the crime scene, and clapped at Gigi's wonderful work.

"Good job Gigi. I didn't expect Karlie to be that gullible. I hope they're stuck in there so long that they'll starve to death!" Katy laughs a humble laugh. Toni fiddles with her fingers, trying to think of an okay outcome of Karlie and her's friendship. Just because she's with Taylor now doesn't mean I don't have feelings for her anymore.

"Come on gals, let's go back to the party!" Gigi threw her arms around the pair. They left the other two girls stuck in the room, the screwdriver jammed into the door.

Meanwhile downstairs, Lily had saw her two new friends follow Gigi's plan. Lily knew a few things about it, but she wasn't sure what was about to go down. She sees the three trampy girls walk down the stairs, laughing and drunk. Lily pushes herself off the chair she's sitting in to find Karlie and Taylor.


"You look good as new Tay! You're just completely drunk and can't tell which way is left and which way is right." Karlie was sitting on the guest bed, watching Taylor stumble back and forth.

"Sure I do! This way is left," Taylor beelines to the right. "And this way is right," Taylor stumbles to the left. Karlie couldn't help but to laugh at her drunken crush.

"Come on princess, let's go back to the party." Karlie wraps her arm around Taylor's waist as they continue to the door. Karlie tries to open the door, but it jams. Taylor gives her a confused look. Karlie tries to jiggle the doorknob once again, but still, the door is jammed.

"That slut tricked us! She jammed the door and bolted out!" Karlie pushes with all of her might to unjam the door. Taylor starts hitting on it with her heel, but still no luck.

"Lily told us that this would happen! How could we be so gullible!" Taylor drunkly says, pushing at the door with Karlie.

"Hey! Are Karlie and Taylor in here?" A muffled voice says.

"Should we stay quiet or—"

"Yes! Unjam the door please!" The door clicks and is pushed opened. Lily Aldridge had just saved their skin.

"Lil! Oh thank God! I thought we were toast inside the room." Taylor grapples onto Lily and pulls her into a hug. Lily looks at Karlie over Taylor's shoulder and rolls her eyes.

"Excuse Taylor. She's extremely drunk and she shouldn't even be," Karlie takes the screwdriver from Lily and looks at the door.

"I'm going to murder Gigi Hadid."


Finally! I'm baaack!

I'm thinking about rotating my stories to once a week each. Like I post one story on a Saturday, and then next Saturday I'll post my other story.

What did you guys think? Is Karlie going to stomp Gigi's bootay?? Who knows!!!

I hope everyone's having a great day and I love you.

"Pictures in frames, of kisses on cheek. Or just a frame of Kaylor that's bigger than Taylor with all her friends."

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