5 ↠ Uniform.

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Being completely the same all the way throughout.

     "That weird book is glowing. Is everything alright Swift?" Cara asks me at the end of lunch.

     "It's kinda of weird. The pages are almost symbolic to something. It leads me to the glowing word and it describes something today." Taylor explains to the once British actress.

     "That's pretty sweet. Let me see." Cara tries to open the book, but it doesn't budge. Taylor places her hand on her arm as she opens the book herself.

     The book flips to the word. Uniform. Cara lets out a gasp at the mysterious sight. Taylor shrugs as she throws the book back into her bag, hitting Oliver. He lets out a hiss from pain.

     "What was that?" Joan asks, looking at the bag. Taylor's face started to burn red as the cat just blew her cover.

     "Oh! It's Taylor's cat, Oliver Benson. She says he helps her with stress at school." Karlie interjects to Joan. She gives a confused look and continues to finish her bar.

     "A cat? Can I see it? Pretty please?" Cara begs as she messes with the bag. Taylor grabs the bag and brings it to her lap.

     "You can look inside, I don't want to get caught." Taylor opens the top a little, for Oliver to look up at Cara.

     "Aw! He's a white ball of fur! He's so cute!" Cara reaches her hand into Taylor's bag, and pets Oliver. The ball of fur lets out a soft purr.

"Why did you bring him to school? Aren't you afraid of being caught?" Toni Garrn asks from across the table.

"Uh— my mom says he likes to hide in my bag, sometimes it's an accident for him to get in, but other times he likes laying in it." Taylor shrugs, lightly messing with the water bottle in front of her.

"Hey Taylor, you mind walking with me to go to the gym? I uh— left my bag and I—" Karlie rambles to the shorter blonde, as her table mates notice her stumble.

"What's up Kloss? That's so unlike you! You're actually fumbling over Tay!" Cara snarfs up her finally eaten food. Jourdan shakes her head and throws her more napkins off her plate.

"No I would never— it's just that we met today and I thought it would be nice— uhm." Karlie's face now burned bright red. Toni rolled her eyes and stabbed her picked at salad.

"I don't know if we have much time," Taylor explains," the lunch hour ends in 5 minutes." Karlie glances at her phone that was laying on the table. Taylor was right.

"You said you're next block is Science! The gym is literally 2 seconds away from it. We're wasting time now anyways!" Karlie grabs Taylor's hand and pulls her along to the gym room.

Along the way there, taking a shortcut outside, Karlie and Taylor walked closely beside each other, eyeing their subtle features every second or two. The two blondes awkwardly trudged along, ever since Cara had went and spilled the beans. Karlie was unsure about the feeling, but it definitely was something.

"Taylor! Watch out!" Multiple teenagers yell from across the football field. A brown flying football was speeding straight for Taylor's head. Before Taylor could make any chance to move, Karlie stepped in front of her. The ball sailed roughly into the arms of Karlie, whom jumped to catch it.

The boys were astonished. Seeing a strong woman surprised the teenagers, one of them being Calvin Harris himself. There was a few other recognizable faces, but nobody too important to the now young singer.

"Woo! Nice Karlie! I think we should replace Jonas with you!" Calvin cups his hands to his mouth and waves for the ball to be thrown back. Shortly, Karlie lines her fingers on the ball and sends back a strong spiral at Calvin. The football strikes him in the chest, his teammates grabbing him so he doesn't fall over.

"You think we're joking Nick, but Karlie's got an arm on her!" Joe Jonas picks on his little brother. Taylor continued to stand in the spot Karlie saved her in, with her mouth wide open.

     "Karlie! You just saved me!" Taylor exclaims, wrapping her arm around Karlie's neck. Karlie's face turned immediately red, the blood running all the way up.

     "What? I didn't want you to get hurt, that's all." Karlie continued to look at her feet as they both walked to the gym together.

     "Well, it was really sweet, thank you." Taylor quickly leans up to her face to push her luck at flirting with Karlie. She plants a quick kiss on her cheek and smiles.

     "It was nothing—Taylor—, really." Karlie stumbled once again over her words, her face now shooting different colors of red like fireworks.

     "I know. It's just that was so nice and all." Taylor smirked, she knew she had Karlie already under her thumb, and they literally just met today.

     After the short jog/run to the gym before class: Karlie and Taylor finally make it to the gym. There was only a few students shooting basketball, a few familiar faces for Taylor here and there.

     "Who's this, Kloss?" A tall dark haired girl comes up with two other henchman, or that's what it looks like to Taylor. Katy Perry.

     "None of your business Katy. Move on." Karlie's mood of happy and smiley changed to dark and malicious.

     "You don't tell me what's my business or not. Move." Katy pushes Karlie to the left of the gym, her falling on a couple of girls who caught her.

     Katy marches straight over to Taylor, her eyeliner looked like it could cut a man. Taylor gulped down any left over saliva in her throat.

     "So! What's your name, blondie? See you're hanging with Kloss, which I don't recommend." Katy gave a spunky facial expression, looking back at Karlie whom was apologizing for falling.

     "I'm Taylor, Taylor Swift." Taylor managed to sound brave.

     "Well Taylor, this is my school, and if you do anything stupid to me or my friends, you're toast."


Uh ohhhh

Looks like more drama I just put into this story!!

I can't wait to make Katy screw up kaylor and stuff

Anyways! She's also an antagonist, I wasn't sure when I wanted to bring her in, but she's here now!

But also I gave you guys a little bit of kaylor, Karlie's still being a cutie-pie, saving Taylor and stuff :)

Anyways! I'm going to a wedding today! It's also Taylor's BD in a day!! :)))))))

—Karlie Kloss

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