9 ↠ Platonic.

803 78 32

Intimate and affectionate but not sexual.

     The next day has arrived, and Taylor couldn't wait for the second day of this new world. Taylor couldn't wait for Abby to pick her and Oliver up, already checking the word for today. Platonic.

     Probably describes Karlie and I's relationship right now, Taylor thought.

     "Why are you all jittery this morning?" Oliver asks, pushing the book back into the bag.

     "I don't know. I want to get out of this realm." Taylor's feet were tapping the floor as she scanned her old room again.

     "By "I want to get out of this realm", you mean, I want to see Karlie again." Oliver rolls his eyes, even in cat form, you can still see it.

     "Is it too obvious Oliver? I mean, I kind of miss her to death." Taylor's face was pure red after Oliver's statement.

     "I understand. You have a right to feel this way—"

     "Taylor! Come down and eat breakfast sweetie!" Andrea cuts off Oliver. He then follows Taylor down the steps as she struggles to put the bag over her shoulder.

     "It smells great mom!" Taylor sits down at the table beside her father, who was reading the paper. It was waffles and pancakes, with a side of fruits. Oliver was sitting in a chair beside Taylor, acting more human than he should.

     "Thank you. You better hurry, I think Abby just pulled up." Andrea looks out the window to find a just parked Abigail outside.

     "Oh! Well I'll eat it in the car! Bye Dad! Bye Mom!" Taylor grabs some toast and a few fruits to carry in her hands. Oliver quickly scrambles into her bag as she hugs her Mom and Dad goodbye.

     "Have a good day at school Honey!" Andrea kisses Taylor's forehead. Taylor runs out with the toast in her mouth and quickly jumps into Abigail's car.

     "Want an apple?"

     "Uh, I'm good, thanks."


     Taylor had been the first to arrive in gym today. She dropped her bag and tried to look busy, but in reality, she was just waiting on Karlie to arrive.

A few minutes later, Karlie came into the locker room alone, and still earlier before the bell rung. Taylor was leaning against the wall, staring attentively at Karlie. Karlie jumped in surprise, seeing Taylor there.

"Oh! You scared me Tay! Why didn't you say anything when you walked in?" (Because it's probably trouble SORRY PUN) Karlie questioned the older girl.

"I don't know. I thought you'd notice me." Taylor pushed herself off the locker to stand straight up.

"I come in here early at lot of times. It's just easier this way, and I hate fighting crowds on the way over here, so I just come early. I've been at this school too long." Karlie rubbed her temples, thinking about the situation.

"Well I just like arriving early—"

"Hello Karlie. How are you?" Oliver pops his head out, interrupting Taylor.

"A little better after our incident Oliver. I guess I wasn't dreaming." Karlie comes over to pet the white ball of fur.

The door was creaking open, as Oliver scrambled to hide back into the bag.

"There you are Karlie! I was looking for you everywhere Kloss! You scared me to death!" Joan had entered the locker room, leaving the once couple exposed.

     "I always come in here early. I was just talking to Taylor." Karlie tilts her head so Joan would look at Taylor. Taylor was now awkwardly standing there, and slightly waved to Joan. Joan put her hand up and smiled.

     "Hey Taylor!" Joan politely said.

     "Hi Joan," Taylor shyly replied.

Soon, all of the other kids busted into the locker room. Taylor closed herself into a corner, trying her hardest to not be noticeable while staring at Karlie again.


"Taylor! Come here for a second, yeah?" Calvin Harris had rode up with his arms around Ellie Goulding and Rita Ora. Karlie was peacefully walking beside Taylor and Cara to lunch, rambling about their meal together the night before.

"Is there something you need? It looks like, you kinda have your hands full." Taylor rolls her eyes, not only at the scene here, but the thoughts of Ellie falling back into Calvin's trap in this realm.

"I was wondering if you want to come to my party Friday night, Cara the devil can come too." Calvin made the two girls hand Karlie, Taylor, and Cara a sheet.

"What makes you think we want to hang out with the man-whore likes of you?" Cara crumbles up her invitation and replaces her empty hand with a middle finger.

"It was more of an invitation to Taylor and Karlie. But you were here, so I didn't want to be rude." The girls draped under Calvin let out a small chuckle.

"I've been suspended, for so many dumb reasons. But this is definitely not one of them." Cara lunges for Calvin, as Karlie jumps in front of her, to hold her down. Taylor watches the intense scene go down, Oliver popping his head out to see.

"I'll see you two Friday! Also Karlie, Kushner is looking for you." Calvin kisses both of his girls and continues to walk by the group of three.

"The nerve of him! You two better not go to that party Friday or I'll skin ya alive!" Cara shook her head and walked in circles to cool down.

"I'll go if Taylor goes, but otherwise, I have no interest." Karlie takes Cara's hand to pull her to the lunchroom.

"I'll think about it. I don't know if I want to get involved with that mess. Are you going to meet up with Kushner?" Taylor asks, after smiling weakly at Karlie's remarks.

"Probabaly not. He just wants to be my boyfriend, and is disgusting. He's really smart, but is personality is dead. Like, no joke."

"Let's go to lunch, I'm starving!" Taylor grabs both of the girls hands and runs to the huge cafeteria.

"We know what you're hungry for, Taylor." Cara slapped Karlie's back, as Karlie turned red quickly.

"Shut up Cara!"



Thank you for the 2,500+ Reads and 300+ votes!!

This chapter is kind of a filler chapter, nothing really happened except the lead up to this party.

Should Karlie and Taylor go together and get mad drunk??? And more drama happen??? Let me know in the comments!! Yooooooo

Taylor already knows Karlie is totally into her and I love playing Taylor's character like that, it makes Karlie way more innocent :')

Anyways! Thank u for reading luv u

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