15 ↠ Witty.

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Smart, above average thinking

"God, I have the biggest headache right now." Taylor groans as she lays her head on her counter. Her parents have already left for work, and said hello to Lily and Karlie.

     "You were honestly so tipsy last night Taylor." Lily was sitting near Taylor in another seat, with the purring Oliver in her lap.

      "Remember the game plan Lily, get Taylor away from Karlie so I can talk to her." Oliver whispers under his kitty breath. Lily looks down and gives the fur ball a thumbs up.

     "Hey Taylor! Can we chill outside for a sec, I just want to talk to you about something in private." Lily put Oliver on the ground and walked over to beside Taylor.

     "Sunlight is said to sober you up," a voice comes from behind the two girls.

     "I'm sorry that I didn't wear pants last night Kar. I was so drunk I didn't even know what I was doing." Taylor turned her chair to look at the green eyed girl.

     "That's not even true about the Sunlight!" Lily lipped to Karlie behind Taylor, with Oliver giggling.

    "I didn't mind at all, anyways, it was a sight to see." Karlie's tight lipped smile turned into a coil grin and kissed Taylor's hair. Taylor easily pushed Karlie back a few steps as she laughed.

     "Come on Lil, let's leave Karlie to her own imagination," Taylor stood from her seat and went outside with Lily.

     "How are you feeling Karlie?" Oliver jumped onto the counter. Karlie sits gracefully in the seat at the counter, and takes her palms to her face.

     "I don't know what I'm feeling. I know that's what you're asking me for, but I don't understand what's really going on." Karlie runs her hands through her hair.

     "I want you to tell me what you feel when you're with Taylor." Oliver sits right in front of Karlie's elbows.

     "I feel like I've known for years. Is that how I'm supposed to feel?" Karlie looks up to Oliver who is giving her purple eyes again.

     "Look into my eyes Karlie. Let me help you understand." Oliver places his paw on Karlie's hand and Karlie stares into his eyes.

***Flashback + Karlie***

"Here goes nothing." Taylor easily flips the book open, the glowing book now free of it's chains. The room started to shake, a strong vacuum like wind coming from the book.

What's... happening to me? Where am I?

     "What's HAPPENING!" Selena screams, holding herself to the chair. The book's winds only get stronger, pulling whatever it can into it. The glowing turns different colors, exploding a dark purple at the moment.

I'm watching a lot of people, from school? Wait... Is that me over there? What's going on?!

     "IT'S TRYING TO SUCK US IN! EVERYONE HOLD ON!" Taylor yells as louder as possible, Karlie holding onto her and the chair.

I'm holding onto Taylor. I'm trying to protect her... Is this slowly making sense? Am I even real?

     "I can't...hold.. ON!" Gigi was holding onto her chair, as Cara was trying to hold her down. The winds continued to grow stronger, not stopping it's hunger for the singers and models. Gigi lets go of the chair screaming, and the book sucks her in.

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