Chapter 6

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Artura Pov

Two days later I was back in school, sitting at my desk waiting for the late bell to ring. As people filled in the gave me sympathy glances, but why? No one here knew about the shit with my mom, did they? When Nate finally strolled in his eyes lit up and he caused a scene.

"Oh my Gosh! You're back! I thought you died!" He yelled causing the teacher to glare at us.

"It's been so dull here without you my friend and the school's been abuzz." He continued walking closer to our row.

When he came closer to me I noticed the bruising under his eye, it looked a couple days old, he sat down beside me and I grabbed his chin, he winced and that's when I noticed the others.

"Who?" I asked staring at his neck where it looked like ye was choked.

He didn't respond immediately, he just looked down and started twiddling with his fingers. He was quiet for a minute.

"Just drop it alright." He said not looking up from his fingers.


"I said drop it Artura." He said sternly looking me in the eyes.

The late bell rang as we sat there, and everyone else came in, including Brittany who looked scared to walk near my desk. The class was loud, as they always were while we waited for the announcements and then all at once everyone stopped talking. I was texting Alex, waiting for the announcements when someone snatched my phone out of my hand.

"What the-"

"I'd filter that next word if I were you." Marco said smirking down at me with my phone in hand.

He doesn't even have this class. I thought.

"Give me back my phone." I demanded standing up to reach for it but he held it above his head.

"Or what?" He smirked again.

By now the whole class was staring at us with fear for me and fear of Marco. He thought that I was scared of him. He was only pissing me off, its too early in the morning for this bullshit.

"Or I'm gonna knock you the fuck out. Don't believe me ask your girlfriend." I said pointing at Brittany who's face went pale.

Everyone else gasped and he stood there with my phone higher above his head. He looked amused as if he thought that I wasn't going to do it because of his rank.

"You know who I am. You're not that stupid-"

Everyone gasped and Marco fell to the floor while I snatched my phone out of his hand and sat back in my seat. These New York kids need to learn that when I say I'm gonna do something, I do it.

"You just punched me in the face yo-"

"I'd filter that next word if I were you." I mocked.

"You're gonna pay for this." He threatened.

"Do you take cash or credit?" I asked sarcastically.

Marco left the class mumbling and everyone turned their gazes to me, they looked scared. But I wasn't, Marco was a bully and I wasn't going to let him scare me, I refused to spend my senior year cowering in fear from a bully.

Marco pov

Meet me in the bathroom now!

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