Chapter 4.

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Third person pov

Artura stood there while Marco held her bag in between them.

She didn't really get to look at him in the cafeteria so she didnt really notice his blue eyes or his curly brown hair or the freckles on his cheeks. He was kind of tall too, he was cute but not really anything to get worked up about.

"So are you gonna take it or not?" he asked.

She reached out and snatched the bag, when she turned around she tried to speed off but heard him jogging behind her.

"So, why were you and your friend having lunch under the table?" he asked.

She didn't want to tell him that it was because she'd overheard him and his brothers beating the crap out of some guy in the restroom, Nate told her that they didn't believe in having witnesses.

"Why were you staring at me and my friend having lunch under the table, you know it is rude to stare?" she replied looking ahead, she wasn't sure if that was the right thing to say.

Marco chuckled. "Touche, but if you like me you should at least tell me, instead of hiding under a table." he replied.

This shocked Artura, how obnoxious of him, she didn't even know the guy and she didn't even know whether or not she liked him as a person let alone had a crush on him.

"Wow, you think that I would like someone like you?" she responded looking up at him.

"What do you mean someone like me?" he asked stopping in front of her.

"Figure it out." she said walking around him. " And stop following me creep." she said loudly.

Marco stood there and tried to make sense of what just happened, was he just rejected? No, no, no, girls don't reject him, he rejects them.

"Whatever, act stuck up if you want!" he yelled after her.

She just kept walking. The nerve of that guy she thought, now it was hard for her to understand why anyone was afraid of a jerk like him. Who did he think he was?

A few minutes later Artura was walking up the stairs Maggie's house, she was exhausted and all she wanted to do was sleep but as soon as she had gotten inside Maggie called her into the kitchen. She knew that the principal had called Maggie, this isn't the first time that she'd been in trouble in school, the guys at her old school weren't as thrilled about Alex being gay as Jason was about Nate being whatever he was.

" What happened today?' she asked smoking a cigarette.

" I just got into an altercation with this guy who was being mean to my friend." she explained.

" Friend? Artura this was your first day of school, you don't have any friends, yet." Maggie replied.

"Fine, well my "acquaintance", got the shit beat out of him today by some jerk and I hit the bastard over the head with my history book. Better?" she corrected herself and walked up the stairs to her bedroom.

She heard Maggie call after her but she fell onto the bed and covered her head with her pillow. When she woke up it was already time for her to go back to school. She couldn't believe that she slept that long, she got out of bed and dragged herself into the bathroom.

" Someone told me that they saw you walking with Marco Giovanni yesterday." Nate said as they took their seats in first period.

Artura noticed a group of girls staring at her and when she turned her head she heard them whispering.

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