Chapter 21

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" Marco, I know I overreacted, it was just that I was looking forward to us going to Spring Formal, I thought that maybe it'll help take your mind off of whatever was bothering you. You seemed so distant lately and I just wanted it to be a great night." Naomi says standing in the threshold of my bedroom.

She came over as soon as she got out of school the next day and my dad let her in the house, unaware of our recent breakup.

"Naomi, what do you want?" I asked.

"I want us to be a couple again, we broke up after our first argument. That's not what's supposed to happen." She said taking a seat at the edge of my bed.

"You dumped me." I said.

"And that was a mistake, I was mad because of the insulting things you said and I won't fail to admit that I said things that I shouldn't have and I'm sorry. I apologize baby." She said sitting on her knee.

" I was out of line and I admit my fault. Just don't leave me." She said reaching for my hand.

She was apologizing, admitting that she was wrong even though I knew I'd jumped straight down her throat I was supposed to be saying that I was wrong but here she was, apologizing.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her onto my lap, wrapping my hands behind her back. She followed and wrapped her own and my neck.

" I have to apologize." I said. " All that stuff I said about you was out of line, I was just mad about everything that happened. I'm sorry." I said.

She grabbed my face into her small hands brushed my hair back away from my face.

"So does that mean that we're a couple again?" She asked.

I didn't want to verbally answer her because you know, across speak louder than words, so I pulled her closer and kissed her.

She gasped before I caught her lips, this was our first kiss after a month. I'd always just settle for forehead kisses because of this, this is what I feared.

The spark wasn't there, that spark that was there when I kissed Artura, that same spark that couldnt keep me away from Artura, wasn't there when I kissed Naomi.

I flipped her over onto her back and deepend the kiss hoping that if I kissed her hard enough, slow enough, just enough that I could ignite at least the smallest spark and I'd be content.

Then it would be Naomi who I'd be chasing around town for that spark not Artura . I grabbed behind her neck and I kept trying to find the spark.

She moaned and when I looked at her, it was actually her, I rubbed my thumb across her lips, but they felt different. Maybe it was my fingers?

I tried to feel them against my own, but it still felt different, not like the first time. The first time all of my senses were heightened so feeling her skin under my fingers felt  like a jolt of electricity.  I ran my hands through her hair, not the same. I grabbed her hips, I didnt recognize them.

Something wasn't right. I looked at her again and this time it wasn't her blue eyes looking back at me they were Naomi's brown eyes. I sat up on my knees and apologized to Naomi, I told her that it was because I went to far, but honestly, I apologized because things that I wanted to do to Artura, I couldn't even think about doing to Naomi.

" So, I take that as a "yes", then?" She asked fixing her hair and smiling like the Cheshire cat.

" Uh, yeah. Yeah." I said still in shock of what happened.

Naomi squealed, kissed me again, abd hugged me. When she released me she frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

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