Chapter 10

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Two months. Two fucking months its been since she stopped talking to me, even with my attempts to pick at her or talk to her, she didn't even acknowledge me. Pretended like she didn't even know me, honestly, when she'd said what she did that day in the bathroom, I thought that she wouldn't even last a week  until she came crawling back into my arms.

She'd stayed to herself and that guy Nate, walking to every class together and laughing together at lunch. Until she met Cole , the school's art-throb, all of the girls thought he was just so cool and mysterious. His art made him attractive; his art, his blonde hair and his blue eyes. Like me they went after him, but unlike me, he wouldn't even talk to them, while I slept with every girl who winked in my direction. Until he met Artura. Everyone talked about how good they looked together and how great their chemistry was and how Artura brought him out of his shell, it just made me sick and I didn't know why.

I saw that she smiled more with him, like he was making her happy. Maybe he was, and maybe she was doing the same for him. I mean after the rumor that, Artura and I had slept together, every guy that looked at her only saw her through sex-vision. They only wanted her for sex and I was fine with that, but knowing that someone was truly unto her and maybe falling in love with her and making her happy, made me sick.

Every time I saw them walking down the halls together and him with his arm thrown around her shoulder, like he was claiming her, I kissed Brittany so that she could feel how I felt, but she never even looked my way. I know that leading Brittany on for two months is pretty cruel, but this was my plan to hurt her and embarrass her the way she'd done me. I was sure that I'd had her right where I wanted her, vulnerable and hurt, ready to crumble to me at her knees, bawling her eyes out.

I was going to embarrass her, set the stage for the most humiliating downfall this school has ever seen. It was all planned for homecoming night. When the night finally came, everyone was there, dressed to impress, even Nate was there. But she wasn't. Why wasn't she there? Why wasn't she dressed in an expensive gown with her hair straightened down her back, make up lightly kissing her face?

Nate was talking with some guy when I approached him, his smile dropped when he saw me and he tried to retreat but I grabbed his arm and twisted him around to face me.

"Where is she?" I asked, having to yell over the music.

"Umm... There are like 100 "she's" in this gym." He replied.

He knew who I was talking about and yet he wanted to play stupid. I took a deep breath, trying not to let my frustration grow into anger.

"Artura? Why isn't she here?" I asked.

"Oh, that " she ", well Artura said that she didn't like parties and homecoming was just a party filled with people who try to hard to impress each other, so she didn't come." He shrugged.

That honestly sounded like something like something she'd say, but most of the people here felt that way but they still came.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"In the city with Cole." Was all he said and he turned around disappearing into the crowd.

As soon as I'd fully comprehended what Nate had said, I stormed out of the gym. Brittany kept trying to get me to stay but I lied and told her that I had family problems and she left and went back to the dance. I almost jogged to my car ripping my tie from my neck and jamming the keys into the ignition.

Getting into the city at this time of night was hard, driving, because there was so much traffic and now it was raining. I honked and honked and cursed trying to convince the car in front of me to drive faster and after thirty minutes I was finally there, driving around the city looking into buildings trying to spot the curly mess.

I finally saw them, sitting in the window of a cafe, they were laughing, he laid his hand on top of hers and she didn't even flinch. I was getting upset. My blood was boiling and I didn't know why, I just sat there, watching getting angrier and angrier as I watched them smile and laugh and him lean across the table to move a strand of hair out of her face.

But when he kissed her. I couldn't sit there anymore. I saw the passion in that kiss from where I was parked, I saw how much he loved her and how much she wanted to love him and with every motion, I saw her falling  for him. Loving him.

I stormed into the cafe, raging and I stormed towards them. Before I snatched Cole from his seat I noticed it, they'd got tattoos. Were they matching tattoos? How much did he mean to her? Was she in live with him already?

"Marco stop! You're hurting him! Please!"


Okay guys, this chapter is short because it is a filler. No biggie. Luckily I found time to update this far, there's something  wrong with my laptop, so I have to use my phone.

But thanks for reading and supporting Valentina, y'all are just great. Keep reading and voting!

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