Chapter 23

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We had to dance together, it was part of winning the title.With Noami starring and Cole and Brittany looking to the floor, I lead her down the stairs to the middle of the dance floor, everyone staring, whispering about the big reunion between the two of us.

I pulled her closer to me to close the awkward space, looking over her head while she stared at the carnation in my pocket. The song had started and everyone was watching us while we danced awkwardly.

She smelled like apples and honey, a scent that I had missed. I ran my finger up her back and tugged at a strand of her hair, she looked up at me sideways.

This was weird, but she was back and this was real.

"Where have you been?" I finally asked.

She looked at me as if she didnt know if she should tell me, then she dropped her head looked up at me with those eyes.

"California." She said.

"California?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

She nodded and went back to picking at the carnation in my jacket pocket with one hand while the other was wrapped around my neck.

"Why were you in-"

I was cut off by someone clearing their throat behind me. I turned and saw Naomi standing there while everyone else was dancing to a new song. She looked at me and then to Artura and put on a fake smile.

"Hi, Im Naomi." She greeted with her hand extended.

"Artura." She shook her hand.

" So you're the famous, Artura. The disappearing girl, I've heard many stories about you, but none about how you know my Marco." She replied.

Then I got the look from Artura, she was smiling but I knew it was an, "Oh really." smile.

"Your Marco?" She asked with the smile still on her face.

"Yeah, My Marco, like my boyfriend." Naomi explained.

I watched Artura's smile fade temporarily and then she put on a fake smile and looked at the both of us. She cleared her throat and looked at her feet.

"Well, you two make a beautiful couple. You're very pretty." She said.

" Thank you." Naomi said with a huge smile.

" If you would excuse me, I have to go find my friends. Enjoy the rest of your night." She said.

I watched her squeeze her way through the crowd to the table under the fake tree where Nate and Danny were sitting probably watching the entire thing.

Danny looked over and caught my eye just long enough to give me a look that screamed, I should be sorry, just as Artura walked out through the emergency exit.

But sorry for what? Moving on? I couldn't sit on my ass and wait for her to come back, no one even knew that she was coming back.

"Baby are you ok?" Naomi asked.

"Umm, yeah. It's just a little hot in here, I need some fresh air. I'll be back." I said.

"I'll come to keep you company." She said.

"No that's fine. You stay here and dance." I told her.

I turned and walked in the direction of the cherry blossom tree and as soon as they spotted me, Danny and Nate stood.

"Where do you think you're going?" Danny asked.

I didn't have time for this.

"Outside." I said.

Book 1: ValentinaWhere stories live. Discover now