Chapter One

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My gas light flickered on right outside of a small town.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself.

Looking at the gas gauge, I decided I should have enough to get to a gas station as long as it was close enough. At this point I would do anything to avoid having to call any of my family.

Luckily, there was a gas station right in the middle of the minuscule town.

Unluckily, it's parking lot was filled with rows of rough looking bikers who were clearly feeling rowdy.

I found my way to a pump that was surprisingly open, and grabbed my purse. After I was out and the doors were locked, I quickly made my way inside.

The gas station clerk was an older lady who was having a conversation with one of the bikers as I walked up.

"Oh, Charlie, let this girl get what she needs real quick," she demanded.

The tall man, with a thick beard, wearing a grey hoodie and leather vest, politely stepped aside and gave me a nod as well as a friendly smile.

"What can I get for you, sweetheart?" The older lady asked sweetly.

"I need $20 on pump four," I answered, trying to avoid looking at the man who was standing beside me. "And uh, I was wondering if there was anywhere in town I could stay for a couple of nights."

I really hated having to stop, but I had been in my 2000 Saturn for three days and needed to rest.

She took my money, then turned to Charlie, "Honey, does Lydia still have that spared room she's trying to rent out? I'm sure she'd let this sweet young girl stay in it for a few days."

"I'll go ask her," he answered in a gravely voice as he walked outside to the group of bikers and women.

"Lydia's a darling. And I promise all those guys are nothing to be fearful of. They're all sweethearts. I could tell you looked a little nervous when you pulled in. Oh, and I'm Dorothy," the older woman told me.

"Oh, uh, I'm Auden."

"It's nice to meet you, Auden. That's a beautiful name."

"Thank you.."

"Go ahead and get your gas. Charlie will tell you if Lydia still has a room or if he knows somewhere else."

I nodded and walked out to my car.

While I was pumping my gas I stared out into space, losing myself in my thoughts only to be startled by Charlie.

"Dorothy told me your name is Auden, is that right?" He asked kind of nervously.

I nodded.

"Well, I'm Charlie in case she didn't tell you. Lydia has her son staying in that room right now, but you're more than welcome to come stay with my wife, Allie, and I for a few nights. Our daughter just moved out so you can stay in her room."

"Oh I don't want to bother you two or anything.."

He cut me off, "Honestly, I think Allie would love it. Our daughter is probably about your age, and she just went off to college down in Florida. Allie just misses having another girl around. You know? I.. Uh.. Yeah.."

"Oh... I mean, if it wouldn't be a problem for the two of you, that would be great. How much would you want?"

"Honey, you don't have to pay anything. Just help her out or whatever. Keep my wife happy. Really, you're helping us out."

I smiled up at the man who fifteen minutes ago had intimidated me.

"I already told her about it, but she's at the store. I can get one of my boys to take you out to the house, or you can just follow him, if that's okay?" He explained.

I chewed on my lip for a minute, "I'll follow him."

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