Chapter Six

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I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, "What the fuck, Auden. What are you doing here. This isn't where you belong. You don't fit in here, and you sure as hell aren't the kind of girl he would be into."

"Are you alright in there?" Mason's comforting voice asked from the other side of the door, following a knock.

I quickly washed and dried my hands, then opened the bathroom door and smiled up at him, "Yeah, I'm fine."

He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist, "Well what do you say we get back to the party, or would you rather get out of here?"

"I, uh... I'm not that type of girl, Mason..."

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry, that's not what I meant at all! I mean, you're gorgeous, don't get me wrong, I just meant if you didn't want to stay here with these idiots, I could take you somewhere else for a while. If that makes sense at all..."

I chewed on my lip for a minute, "That sounds great to me."

"Great," he smiled looking at me with his gorgeous, blue eyes.

Together, we made our way through all the people and out to his motorcycle.

"Have you ever been on one of these before?" he asked as he sat down on the seat of it.

I shook my head in response.

He smiled, "Well get on and wrap your arms around me, and don't let go at all. Oh, and put this on."

He handed me his leather jacket.

I put it on, then climbed on behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. 

To say I had butterflies in my stomach would have been an understatement. I was nervous, terrified, and incredibly fucking excited all at once, and honestly, I wasn't entirely sure how to deal with all of these emotions. I took the smart route and just kept my mouth shut as the bike roared to life and we sped down the road.

He took us down a series of bends and twists, until finally he pulled off to the side of the road by a small wooded area.

"You're not afraid of monsters are you?" he asked playfully.

I smiled, "Only the ones in my head."

He laughed and took my hand, "Well I promise it's super fuckin' creepy in the woods, but it's worth it for what's on the other side."

"Do I get to know what's over there ahead of time?" I questioned.


"Well, that's not fair."

"How do you figure?"

"Because I just agreed to go to some strange place, with a complete stranger, and I don't even know what I have to look forward to seeing. For all I know, you could just be taking me to some abandoned farm house where you plan to kill me and dispose of my body in a dilapidated basement."

"Well, Miss Auden, I promise that the last thing that I'm trying to do is kill you, or hurt you, in any way. If I told you where I'm taking you, it would probably get your hopes up, because I'm sure in your head you could picture a million places better than this. Just trust me, please?"

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