Chapter Four

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After lunch, Allie and I cleaned up while all the men left to do, well I have no idea what they had to do. Men stuff, I suppose. The rest of the day was spent with Allie and I doing random little things and getting to know each other better, since I was staying in her daughters bedroom for a few nights.

"Did you have any big plans for the night?" She asked me as we were finishing an episode of Law & Order, which was her absolute favorite show, she told me.

I shook my head, "I really don't know what there is to do in a small town like this, to be completely honest."

It was the truth. I grew up in a decent sized city where most of how I occupied my free time was getting high and going to the mall or park with my friends.

She grinned at me, "Well every Friday night there's a get-together out at Charlie's friend, Mike's, house. It's on a farm so nothing really to worry about. You're more than welcome to come with us. Actually, I think you'd have fun seeing what people out here do to have fun. What do you say?"

For being a woman old enough to be my mom, she had a lot of energy. Then again, I highly doubt she takes as much Xanax as my mom used to.

I chewed on my lip, "Sure, sounds fun."

"Yay! Oh let's pick out something for you to wear!" She cheered as she jumped up off the couch, then she stopped and looked at me with a somewhat apologetic look on her face, "I'm sorry, Auden. I know I'm just some stranger. It's just amazing to have another girl like Grace in the house. I haven't gotten to do stuff like this in forever..."

"No! I would love your help! I have no idea what's appropriate, besides, my mom never wanted to do stuff like this with me," I explained.

Suddenly Allie's arms were holding me so close I could smell her vanilla perfume. I hugged her back.

I'm being held by a complete stranger, but I have no problem with it. Did I never learn that whole stranger danger thing? Or could I just already not consider Allie a stranger? I thought.

She let go and sighed with a smile on her face, "Okay, honey. Let's see what you've got."

We went to the bedroom I was calling my own for the time being and I watched as she went through my clothes.

"Wait, you don't have a boyfriend do you?" She asked before she pulled anything out.

I shook my head.

"Good. I have exactly the thing."

She pulled out a pair of my jean short-shorts and a white tank-top and handed them to me before running out of the room.

I took that as my cue to start changing, so that's exactly what I did.

And to my horror, that wasn't it, so she walked in on me standing next to the bed in just my bra and the shorts.

"I'm so sor-" I started.

She smiled, "Honey, we've got the same parts. Mine are just a bit older. Put this on."

She handed me a red and black flannel shirt that I quickly put on over the tank top. When I started to button it, though, she stopped me.

"Leave it unbuttoned like that. It's cute," she explained.

I smiled and nodded, then she started curling my hair while I carefully put on my makeup.

Will I even be able to fit in tonight?

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