Chapter Sixteen

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Mason: She's what?!

Me: Who/what are you talking about?

Him: Fuck, sorry. Wrong person.

Me: Is everything okay?

Him: Yeah, babe. I'll be there in an hour.

What was he talking about?

I got up off the couch and went to pick something out to wear. It really sucked that my clothes are already getting too tight, no thanks to my new-found appetite. Before long Mason would see it. He's probably already heard it though.

After getting ready, I sat outside, waiting on him to get here. No rehearsal was enough to prepare me for the conversation I'm about to have.

Much to my dismay, he pulled in the driveway minutes later.

He walked up to me with a big smile on his face, wearing his usual grease stained jeans and a plain, dark-red t-shirt.

"What's up?" he greeted.

I chewed on my lower lip, "Mason, we need to talk..."

"That doesn't sound good. Is everything okay?"

"I... I'm pregnant..."

What. The. Fuck. Auden.

"Are you being serious? How? Is it... Mine?"

"I'm serious, we had sex, and yes."

"Are you sure?"

"I mean, my period is definitely two months late and I took a pregnancy test that was undeniably positive. So yes, I'm sure. If you want me to leave and go back to my family, I understand. We barely know each other and-"

"Auden, I don't want you to go anywhere. I want you to stay here and stay with me. I mean, we're going to have a baby. We'll get to know each other better and we'll raise this baby together. I'm shocked, but at the same time I'm excited, and you should be too!"

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips tenderly.

"So who were you talking about when you texted me?" I asked casually.

He avoided eye-contact, "Just an old friend came back to town."

"Oh that sounds nice."

"No, not really. Hopefully I can keep you from having to meet her. Anyways, lets go. We have a movie to go see."

We got in my car, with him driving, and drove out of town to the nearest movie theater. I couldn't pay attention to the movie at all between wondering who the old friend was and continuing to worry about being pregnant.

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