Chapter Three

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As we walked into the small home, I was still taken aback by its beauty.

All of the furniture looked brand new, and was matching light tan suede with red throw pillows on the couch and love seat, with matching red throw blankets on both of the recliners. There were professional-looking pictures of Allie and Charlie with friends and family covering one of the walls.

While I was looking around, I was surprisingly greeted by a small Jack Russel.

Allie smiled at the dog and myself then said, looking, "I know it doesn't look like much, but this is my home."

"It's beautiful," I responded quickly. "It's astonishingly perfect."

She gave me a heartwarming smile, "Thank you, honey. I hope you like staying with us. You are more than welcome to stay as long as you'd like. A few days, or a few years."

The two of us laughed as I thanked her for her generosity.

"Well, dear, let me set this stuff down and I'll show you to your room."

While she walked into the kitchen, I leaned down and petted the small brown and white dog that was still sniffing around me excitedly.

Moments later, Allie returned and motioned for me to follow her down a short hallway to the room at the very end on the right side.

"This was Charlie and I's daughter, Grace's room," she explained, a little bit of pain in her voice.

The room that seemed had a lot of life in it at one point was now simply a room with a perfectly made bed, vanity dresser, and a desk with only a lamp left on it.

"Well I'll let you get settled in. Whenever you're done, come out to the kitchen and I'll get lunch ready, okay?" She told me softly, her smile back on her face.

I smiled back and nodded as I walked in.

Slowly I unpacked my small amount of clothes, then laid on the bed.

God this is so much better than a leaned back car seat, I thought to myself.

I must have drifted off to sleep because the next time I opened my eyes, an hour and a half had passed and there were a bunch of noises coming from the direction of the living room/kitchen.

I stood up and fixed my hair and makeup a little bit, then walked out to see about seven of the men I had seen at the gas station in their living room.

Three of them I recognized as Charlie, Tyler, and Mason, but the other four I had no idea about, so I just made my way into the kitchen and found Allie.

"Oh there you are!" She said when she saw me. "I thought you had snuck out and left or something!"

We shared a short laugh before Charlie walked in.

"I see you two have met," he said looking at the two of us.

"Now Charles, why are you bringing all of your rowdy ass men over when we've got such a nice young lady over? You know how they can be about women!" She joked, playfully hitting him in the chest.

He laughed, "Woman, you know these boys can't be trusted alone! Ain't that right, boys?"

Mason and another one walked in as he said that.

Mason stared straight at me with a sly grin on his face.

The other put his arm around Charlie, "What kinda shit are you talkin' now, old man?"

The two play-wrestled for a minute before Allie yelled at them to take it outside.

"It was nice seeing you again," Mason whispered in my ear quickly before he left the room.

Oh my god, I thought to myself. I can already smell trouble on him. But is that really a bad thing?

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