Chapter 4

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I wake up, feeling a bit tired. Stretching my arms and body, I yawned and slowly got out of bed.

Slowly, it came back to me. Today is school. I wasn't going to work. A smile tugged at my lips. I couldn't wait to see Lexi and Asia again....and meet my teachers. Or find some actually cute new boys. That brings me to Alex. I had no idea of he was coming to my school or not, or if he was even in high school. But, maybe, just maybe, I would see Alex. I mean he did look like a high schooler...

I got into my bathroom tub and turned on the cold water. Yeah, I don't do hot showers. I liked the cold water more, it always was a great way to start the day. It really made me feel alive and fresh. I scrubbed my Dove and vanilla scented soap all over my body.

When I was finally done, I got out of the tub and took out my toothbrush.

I brushed my teeth until it was close to resembling Alex's teeth. Then I went to my closet. I picked out my clothes. Tight blue jeans, a red blouse, and a soft darkish jacket. I threw on my pair of white converses.

Afterwards, looked into my mirror. I actually looked great. Like I was really rocking the simple and cute look. I was that type of chick who went for the casual and cute almost everyday. Well then, I got tired, and dressed causual, and ended up ugly all the time.

I stepped closer to my mirror and quickly did my makeup. Since I wasn't a fan of heavy makeup, I only filled my face with some concealer, mascara, and a natural color lipstick.

Stepping back, I looked at my reflection. I smiled. I looked ah-mazing!

My feet carried me down the stairs and I smelled the wonderful breakfast layed out on the kitchen table. My dad was already sitting down and so was Selena with little Tiara in her hands.

"Hi." I said to them. None of them said anything, and I internally rolled my eyes. It's like they secretly held something against me.

I took a seat and ate my plate of bacon and eggs. The wonderful food shot flavors into my mouth, making me silently moan. My father saw me and laughed. Actually laughed. I blushed. Something about his laugh, made me feel completely good inside.

"You ready for school honey?" He asks. I was happy he was making conversation, but he didn't have to call me 'honey'. It wasn't his place to.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see Lexi and Asia. I haven't seen them this whole summer." I rambled. My dad smiled small and then starts to play with Tiara. Well, he was different today, I thought.

Instantly, I feel a pang of jealousy. You're not his only baby girl anymore. He got another one now. Just deal with it.

Selena spoke and I looked at her.

"I hope this year you meet somebody." She winks at me. "And I hope he knows better than to cheat."

I glared at her but she doesn't see it. That woman surely knows how to strike a nerve.

Like who was she to make me remember stuff that, she in the first place, had no business in.

I eat my breakfast quietly and block Selena's talking away. Finally, its time to leave. I give Tiara a kiss on her tiny forehead and hug my dad. I start to walk to the door when dad stops me.

"Monica, say bye to Selena." He says in a stern tone. I roll my eyes and forcefully give Selena a hug. Ughh, best thing of my life.

I walk out the house. I get in my car pull out the driveway.

After a ten minute drive, I had reached my school. I could already see some people I knew walking into the huge building.

I gripped the steering wheel. Here was my newest journey.

I get out of the car after parking my car and threw my backpack over my shoulders.

"Yo, its Moni." My friend Trevor says as I was passing by. I grinned at him.

"Whats up, Trevor?" I said while waving at him.

"Nah. I had a boring summer." He said truthfully.

"Me too! It was one of my worst ones."

I was about to walk up to him when I spotted him. Tyrone, my ex walked up to Trevor.

He looked at me and I looked back for a second. He had wore a black, tight T-shirt that showed his muscles. A girl was passing by him and he grabbed hold of her and gave her her a kiss right on her lips, while looking at me. I guess he was done with the chick he was cheating on me with.

I could not take it anymore so I walked away.

Did he actually think that he could still make me jealous? And how did I not see how much of a player he was? How could I have been so stupid?

Sure it bothered me. But it didn't hurt me. I deserved someone way better than Tyrone.

I walk into the building and after five long minutes of searching, I finally find my locker. I was unlocking it when someone wrapped my body from behind.

I screamed, letting the locker go with a BOOM! The person behind me bursted into loud laughter. I turned with a glare to see Lexi holding her stomach in laughter behind me.

"Oh my gosh, Lexi!" I screamed giving her a hug.

She returned it and planted a kiss on my check making me slap her face away. She rolled her eyes at me and I laugh.

"So I already know you had a boring summer like, just like always!" Lexi says, smirking. I was about to say something slick- but then I spotted him.

Really, I hope you are enjoying reading this as much as I enjoy writing this! Thank you to whoever had took a couple of minutes of their lives to read my little story. It really means a lot to me:)

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