Chapter 13

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I walked up to Asia's porch and knocked on her door. There was no answer and I thought maybe she was in her room, which was farther away from her front door, so I ringed the doorbell. It took a while. Maybe she was at the dance studio?

But finally the door opened and Asia's mom, Aisha, smiled at me from the inside.

"Hi Aisha." I smiled and gave her a hug. It could have sounded weird calling her by her last name. But when I had first called Asia's mom by her last name, she had scolded me and told me that I made her feel old. Ever since then I had called her by her first name, not trying and wanting to make anyone feel old.

But, she was a sweet woman. And she was of Jamaican descent, and I for sure admired her cultural meals. Especially the spicy ones. I could already feel my stomach grumbling at that thought, and the temptation felt as strong as a sexual one.

I stopped my mind from thinking even more about food. I didn't came here for food, but for something else.

Aisha pointed upstairs. "She's in her room."

"Thank you." I said and smiled at her. I walked up to the stairs and to Asia's room. I knocked on her door. I could see that her light was on from under her bedroom door.

"Yes?" She said from inside.

"It's Monica." I said.

I heard her sigh and after some fumbling, she finally opened the door.

She smiled at me but I could see that it wasn't a real one.

"Hi, Moni." She said. I smiled at her and gave her an awkward hug, which she accepted (thankfully)

I got into her bedroom and sat on her queen sized bed. She came and laid down beside me.

"We haven't spoken for a while." Says Asia silently. It hasn't been that long since me and Asia had gotten into that little, almost nonexistent fight. But, even though it hadn't been that long, it still has been the longest since Asia and I has gone without communicating.

I sigh. "That's what I wanted to speak to you about."

"Yeah?" Asia asked, giving me a side glance. I nodded and kept my eyes on the ceiling. This was awkward. Asia and I rarely got into fights. And certainly not over a boy.

"I'm not trying to stop you from being with Alex, Asia. I mean, why would I do that? You're my best friend. Why would I do that?" I said.

"I know you wouldn't. You're my loyal friend and I know that I can trust you. But you are also a beautiful girl that I know that any guy could fall for. I know you won't do anything like that to me, Monica. I was just kind of upset." She sighed. "I'm just really attracted to him, Moni. I know I don't know him and everything. But I'm just so attracted to him, and I really  wanna get to know him."

I nodded. "And that's why I want your help. I want you to help me get to know him."

I nodded again, and I could tell that she could see the worry on my face.

Asia gave me warm smile. "Its alright, Monica. I trust you."

"Thanks." I said, returning her warm smile. After a moment of silence, we floated into a more normal conversation. Her talking about cheer leading and me talking about glee club.

"I sung Lay Me Down." I told her.

"By Sam Smith?" Asia asked. I nodded grinning. She grinned too, and I could tell she got the message: I killed it.

I'm sorry for bragging.

"It was kind of emotional, you know. I was thinking of my mom." I said and Asia nodded empathetically. I yearned to tell her about Alex hearing me sing and how he reacted, but I knew that would be very inappropriate to tell her.

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