Chapter 34

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Asia would not stop! She would not! I was going to kill her! She was crazy!

She was forcing me to go to Homecoming! And with who? Tyrone!

No, no, no, no! I was not going to.

But then I found out my father wanted to have a father and daughter time with me, thanks to Selena. It was the same Friday of the Homecoming. I didn't want to be anywhere with him! I had to be somewhere else. So I decided just to go with Asia and Lexi.

Sure, there was other things I could do. But I haven't really spoke to Alex ever since our break up. But he had told me yesterday he was going to the dance. So maybe I could use this as an excuse just to see him.

So the Thursday before the dance, Asia and Lexi picked me up and we drove to the mall.

When we got to a dress shop, I quickly picked out a dress to get it over with. It was a short satin pink dress. It hung tightly tight to my waist and fell in ruffles above my knees. Even though I picked it quickly, it was a beautiful dress. I smiled and placed the dress on the counter.

Before I could pay, Asia handed her own money over.

I looked over at her and frowned. "Asia, don't."

She shrugged. "No, it's cool."

I frowned and shook my head. "Look, Monica. I'm really sorry for everything I did. And I'm just trying to make it up to you." She says quitely.

I looked away from her. She was apologizing everyday now. It was getting annoying. I let her back, I gave her a chance. She needed to stop asking for forgiveness when I already did.

Maybe she was asking for my trust. But her paying for my things wouldn't make her gain back my trust.

But maybe this whole thing was an act.

Well, I had no idea.

"Besides, you have to save your money for the shoes." Lexi says and smiled cheerfully at me.


Lexi had finally finished straightening my hair. I sighed when she pushed me up from the chair. I groaned and rubbed my butt. I had been sitting on that chair for hours. Asia had done my make up and then Lexi had to do my hair.

I put on my dress and my shoes. Afterwards, I went and looked at the mirror. I beamed down at my transformation. Even I could admit that I looked bomb! Wow, Asia and Lexi were good!

I loved the dress! The pink suited my make up perfectly. And even though it exposed a bit of cleavage, I still completely adored it. I also had matching pink heels to go with it.

Asia had wore a short red dress that stopped at her middle thigh. It showed all her beautiful placed curves. She had her braids up in a bun and she looked completely stunning.

Lexi has her hair straight, different then her usually wavy style. She wore a long blue dress. It hugged her body perfectly.

We all looked good. We were ready and we were only waiting for our dates. I know Lexi was going with a boy named Johnny but I had no idea who Asia was going with. Lexi knew but both wouldn't tell me who. According to Asia, it would be a surprise.

I had a bad idea about this.

Asia's doorbell suddenly rang and I knew they were here. My heart started to pound frantically. This was because it was Tyrone I was going with(who I didn't want to go with) Then, I had a bad idea about this mystery guy Asia was going with.

But yeah, my date was Tyrone. I had told Asia I was going to the Homecoming dance alone. But beong Asia, she still had went, without telling me, and planned for Tyrone to go with me.

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