Chapter 19

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I ended up staying after school for the glee club. I probably hadn't mentioned it, but I had made into the club. Along with Claire.

Mrs. Mendez smiled at me when I walked in. I smiled back and took a seat.

I took out my phone and decided to surf the internet, while the students were walking in.

A few minutes later, all the students had walked in. I looked up in time to hear Claire whisper to her friends, "She actually made it? Unbelievable..." Her friends shrugged.

I laughed silently to myself, because she know she was wrong. Her friends knew it too, and that's why they didn't say anything.

Mrs. Mendez congratulated us for making it to the glee club, and explained all of the projects we would be doing for the school year. Basically, we would be singing for a lot of events. Including events for Charity, and going to Nursing Homes. We also had a chance for being in a glee competition this year.

So I was excited. Singing made me happy. And I loved to sing in front of people. So, the more events we went to, the more happier I would be.

Mrs. Mendez went on to sort us into Altos, Sopranos, tenors... and about an hour later, the meeting was over.

I walked out of the room and started to speed walk to my car. But before I could get there, I suddenly bumped right unto someone's hard chest.

I gasped and jumped back, and the person who I almost bumped into reached out to steady me.

I looked up to give a smile of gratitude to the person. But it dropped when I noticed who it was. It was none other than Tyrone, my ex.

"Hey, Monica." He said, flashing me a smile, one of those smiles I use to love back in the ole 'stupid Monica era'.

"Hi." I say, looking away. I wanted to leave already. I wasn't going to have a conversation with this boy, I was gonna zoom out of here. I proceeded to do just that. But, Tyrone grabbed my arm, pulling me back.

"What?" I asked, glaring at him. "I have somewhere to be."

He chucked and rolled his eyes. "Home?"

I shrugged. "It's better than being here with you." His jaw dropped in mock disbelief.

"You know, your being so mean to me. I just wanted to ask how you were doing."

"I'm doing fine. Now bye." I tried to walk away again. But he spun me around again, and now my face was almost two inches away from his.

"You didn't ask how I was doing." He said, his stinky breath right on my face. Why did I ever date this guy?

"Maybe because I don't care." I scowled at him.

Tyrone smirked. "Since when did you grow such a mouth?"

"Ever since you decided to come back-" I was immediately cut off. Because his lips were on mines.

His hands wrapped around my waist and he pulled me close to him. His lips pressed hard against mines. I felt his tongue lick my lips, and immediately I felt the butterflies I use to feel when we dated. But, as soon as he was asking me for entrance, I came back to reality.

I didn't want this. Us? No. We were over. And I was not catching feelings for him.

I pulled away quickly. He looked confused. And that made me upset. Why did he kiss me? And why did he act like I had no reason for pulling away? I mean, this little boy cheated on me!

"Why did you pull-" He started. I was about to off on him.

But I ended up being completely speechless.

Because, I saw him. And I knew he saw.

I had no doubt he saw that kiss.


I got home, and went straight to my bedroom. I didn't even greet anyone. I just wanted to be in my room, in my cozy bed, to think about what had just happened.

As soon as I got in my room, I threw myself on my bed.

"Ughhh!!!" I screamed in frustration.

Alex saw Tyrone and I. I know he probably didn't like me, but that kiss would just take me off his limits.

I groaned. Stupid, stupid Tyrone!!!

Soaking myself in my misery, I soon fell asleep.

I woke up thirty minutes later. Splashed water on my face, and decided I'd go to see what's for dinner.

Oh Crap!!!! The movie!

I completely forgot about the movie Alex had invited me to. Oh my gosh!! Did I even have anything to wear?

I checked the time. Alex had texted me the time since before the glee club meeting. Right now it was seven twenty-seven. And he was suppose to pick me at seven thirty-five.

Time was running out. I ran to my closet and picked out some random clothes. Blue jeans and a long sleeve black shirt. I quickly threw it on.


I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess. I shrugged and threw it into a messy ponytail.


Mascara, concealer, and a dark red lipstick.


I put on my shoes and ran outside, ignoring the confused glances from my 'family members'.

I ended up getting outside in hard and loud pants of breath.

I looked at my phone, thinking I'd text him that I was ready. But I was Monica, and I had bad luck. And that's the exact reason why my phone was dead.


He wasn't here yet. But right now, that was okay. His lateness gave me time to regain my composure.


Okay, where is he? He said he'd be here by seven thirty-five. I guess he was running a little late.


I was getting inpatient. I couldn't call him. Maybe he was trying to call me to explain why he was late, but right now my phone was dead.

I could call him on my dad's phone. I had his number saved in my phone, so I didn't know it by head.

Suddenly, my dad came out with his phone out.

"Monica, this is for you."

Oh great! This could be Alex! I knew he wouldn't leave me hanging right now!

I quickly took the phone from my dad. "Thanks, dad!"

"Monica!" Lexi's voice came from the phone. I internally groaned. Nope, not Alex.

"Hi Lexi." I said rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"What are you doing today?!" She asked enthusiastically.

I sigh. "Well, I was suppose to go to the movies with Alex and his sister."

"Huh?" Lexi sounded genuinely confused. "I thought he was going with Asia. They're already there, aren't they?"

I gasped.

"Lexi, I need to go. I'll call you later. " I didn't even wait for an answer, and quickly hung up.

A wave of different emotions went through me. It was anger, sadness, disbelief, and jealousy.

I just got stood up.

Guys, I am do sorry if the kissing part was cringe worthy. I'm new to those things. Again, I'm really sorry. :/

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