Chapter 32

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My hands shook as I put my phone down. Who was that?! Why would they say that? Why would they threaten me like that?! How did this person even know about my father?!

Tears fell when I realized it could only have been one of my 'friends'. They were the only ones who know what my father did!

They would use that against me?! Them fake b*tches!!!! Wasn't it only a few days ago had they come crying to, begging for me to forgive them?!

I marched to my car, with angry tears running down my cheeks. I yanked open my car door, got inside, and slammed it shut.

I could have gotten into a car accident. The way I drove was too dangerous. My mood was too dangerous. I felt as if I was going to kill a b*tch when I got there.

I jumped out of my car when I arrived to my destination. I marched to the front door, and knocked impatiently.

I was happy when it was Asia and no one else who opened the door.

She looked confused when she saw my deadly expression. "Hey, Monica. Look, if you came here to apologize. You don't have to. You have every reason to be mad."

I ignored her and walked into her house. "Is this why you threatened me?" I snapped. "You're still mad, aren't you?!"

A confused expression immediately was placed on Asia's face. She was faking, I wasn't taking the bullsh*t. Ughh, these people were messing too much with me, I was literally cursing everyday now!

"What are you talking about?" Asia saidc quitely. I rolled my eyes.

"You expect me to believe that wasn't you who called?"

"Called?" She shook her head. "I was just going to, to apologize. But I didn't call before. And threaten you, why would I do that? I know I was mad, but not that mad. We just became friends. I'm not that bad."

"Liar." I didn't trust her at all. An exasperated look was thrown at me.

"Monica!!! I'm not f*cking lying!! I just became friends with you. Why would I want to lose your trust, again?!" She yelled.

" 'Cause you are a liar!!!"I yelled back. So many times you made me not trust you!!!"

Asia looked angrier than before. She stomped away. A few seco on latr, with her phone in her hands.

"Look your number isn't even on b my recent calls list." She pointed out, and she was right. But I wasn't stupid.

"Im not dumb, Asia!" I snapped. "You called me from a different phone." I accused.

Thats That's whenshe broke down. Tears fell from her eyes and hiccups were coming from ber lips. Her shoulders shook as she cried.

I didn't know if this was an act but I stopped accusng her. I went back home with no answers.


I received even more threats. I was too scared now to even answer my phone calls. But not all of them were phone calls. They were in my messages on my social media. One by one, I got rid of my accounts. I only had Tumblr left, people haven't figured my account on it yet. I hoped they never did.

I didn't know why they continued it. It only hurt me. I couldn't sleep at night. I started skipping school, because those threats were being taken seriously.

My father found out about me skipping and made me go back. I ended up wearing all black, not wanting anyone to see me.

Alex stayed by my side. He would curse out and stand up to anyone who bullied me in front of him. But he couldn't protect me when he wasnt there. I was the laughing stock of he whole school. I was their target.

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