Chapter 28

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Oh gosh.

That was the only thing running through my mind when I saw him.

Like I felt so under dressed compared to him.

He was wearing all black. Let me be the first to say, he looked sexy in black. Black was my new favorite color.

He wore a dark and tight collared shirt. He was wearing one of those joggers, and let me say how much I loved joggers on guys, which was dark. A pair of black Jordans were on his feet. To complete the look, a diamond stud was in his right ear.

I wanted to run to my room and change. His fine self did not deserve to be seen with me.

I couldn't stop gawking. I was finally brought out my trance when Alex distracted me with his gorgeous smile.

He leaned in and whispered. "Looks like the hard work pulled off."

I rolled my eyes. "You look ok."

"Said the girl who would gawk and forgot the words 'come in'. "

I hasped, just realizing he was still standing inside. "Come in." I muttered. He laughed and stepped inside.

Nanna was standing a few feet from us. She was sipping her tea and giving Alex a scrutinizing look. She still didn't trust Alex. I wished I had explained what really happened during the incident.

'Hello." Nanna says nonchalantly.

"Hi Mrs...." Alex begans, looking at me for help.

Before I could respond, Nanna continued for him. "Nanna."

He walks up to her and kissed her hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Nanna." The world 'Nanna' rolling on his toungue easily. She smiles, relaxing a bit.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Alex."
She turns to me. "Monica has told me much about you."

Alex chuckles, looking at me. "Good things I suppose."

"Well...." Nanna said looking at the ceiling, as if she was deep in her thoughs.

"Alex, we should go." I said and took his hand. "By Nanna!"

Alex smiled his blessing of a smile at her. "Have a great night, Nanna."

"Thanks!" She waved at us both. "Have fun and don't do anything stupid."

I blushed. "We wont. I'll make sure. She'll be home by eleven." Says Alex.

Nanna smiles. Before I could step outside with Alex, I turn to look back at Nanna. She mouths the words 'he'd so handsome and charming!' she winks, making me blush again.

Alex opens his car door for me and I get in. I could do it myself but he insisted. The boy had such manners. He treated me as if I was in one of those romance movies.

Alex gets in the driver's seat and pulled away into the street. "Look like you didn't throw in a good word for me to your grandma." He pouted his lips. If he was trying to make me feel bad, it wasn't working.

I chuckled. "The day I told her about you was the day I thought you left me for Asia."

He looked at me. A look of regret and guilt passed his face. "But..."

"No no, it's OK. It wasn't you fault. It's okay for Nanna anyways 'cause she sees how how much I like you-" My face suddenly frozed. My whole body frozed.

Stupid, stupid! You are so stupid!!!

My face was heated up. I couldn't even look at him.

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