Chapter 35

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Alex looked at Asia and his eyes widened. He looked like he was about to speak. But Asia shot him a glare and quickly glanced at me. He follwed her gaze to me.

Yhen, he looked away, an annoyed expression on his face.

My face probably mirrored his. I looked to the girl and I saw she was looking at me. A look of disgust was plastered on her face. I looked away quickly and got back to my food.

"You two are cute, though." She says. Asia nods and the girl, thankfully, walked away.

The table was filled with silence. But Tyrone spoke up after a while. He nudged me. I looked up at him with an annoyed look. "What?"

"Let's go dance, Monica."

"Whatever." I shrugged. It was no good being alone with Tyrone but I couldn't stand being with the 'couple' in front of me.

Tyrone got up and led me to the dance floor. I looked back and glanced at Asia and Alex. They were getting up and joining us to dance.

Could I really stay here and watch them dance? Together?

Girl, stop! You're just being jealous!

Tyrone put his hands on my waist and I hesitantly put my hands on his shoulders. Man, it's funny how things change! I remember the butterflies I felt last Homecoming when I danced with Tyrone.

Now, it felt completely disgusting.

A slow music was playing and I slowly  danced with Tyrone. Well, my body danced with Tyrone but my focus was entirely on Alex and Asia. I narrowed my eyes as I saw Alex place his hands on Asia's waist. Asia looked happy and even if she was handing Alex over to me, I guess her crush wasn't exactly gone and she was slightly taking advantage of it.

I didn't mind that though. At least she gave me a chance to be with him. I couldn't hate her for being happy that she got to touch her crush.

But it still bothered me...

Tyrone and I danced for a couple of minutes until Alex iterrupted us. "Can I have her for a second?"

Tyrone looked at him and nodded, going to Asia. I sighed in relief. Alex smiled at me and I smiked back. He slowly put his hands on my waist and I brought my hands to his shoulders. "You look beautiful.  Did I tell you that?"

I laughed, feeling a blush coming up and smiled. "You look great too. Handsome, urr, I-"

Alex laughed. His hands went lower and I blushed. The slow music was suddenly gone and a faster beat started to play. I lughed when Alex swayed my hips with his own hands. Soon we were twirling around to the beat and I was swaying my hips quickly to the beat of the song.

I was a having such a as blast that I did not care to notice the people who were poining at me as if I was such a disgrace to this world.

The moment was interrupted when Tyrone asked for me back. I groaned. Well, he is your date. A fast paced song was still playing and even though I was twirling around with Tyrone, it wasn't fun like how it was with Alex.

After a few minutes, my back was leaning on Tyrone's front, and he took this moment to lean his lips to my ear. "Monica, I can't wait for this dance to be over."

I actually grinned a bit at that. I had fun with Alex, but I was waiting for this to end too. I was tired if receiving evil looks from peoole. "Yeah, me too."

He wrapped his hands around my waist and tried to pull me closer. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me go. Ughh. "We can go to my house. I promise we'll have a great time." I glanced back at him and I saw him wink.

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