Chapter 26

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I woke up to find myself on a bed that wasn't mines. Quickly, I sat up with a confused look on my face. Slowly, the memories of what I did last night came back to me.

I smiled and went to brush my teeth. I was already feeling too happy to be here. I didn't miss my father's home at all. Exept for baby Tiara, of course.

I went to my grandma's kitchen and of course there was a heavenly smell coming from it.

Nanna was standing by the stove, with her back towards me. "Hey, Nanna." She turns around and smiles at me.

"Baby, how are you?" She asks.

"Um great." I walked over to her and kissed her cheek.

"I made pancakes." She says, pointing at the pan of pancakes that were sitting on the stove.

"I see." I giggled. "You also made eggs, bacon, and orange juice." I pointed at the plates of fresh breakfast on the kitchen table.

"I know." My grandma laughed.

I shook my head. "Nanna, you don't own a restaurant. Plus, you're gonna get me fat!"

Nanna shook her head. "You need some stuffing up. Look at how skinny you are." She says, poking my stomach.

I glared playfully at her. "I'm not skinny!"

She rolled her eyes, pushing me to take a seat on the table. "Sure, Monica."

It didn't take long for the food to teleport to my belly. My grandma was good at many things, and cooking was one of them.

"It's gonna be easy stuffing you up then, Monica." Nanna says eyeing my empty plate with amusement. I frowned at her as I eyed my plate. Well, I can control myself, at least I think...

"Monica, baby, I called your father. He says it's alright if you stay and he agreed that you could stay for a week." I nodded. "He said that you did need space, so everything is going how you wanted it to."

Oh, really? It seems to me like he didn't care if I wasn't with him or was. I thought that maybe he would put up a fight, demanding for his daughter. But who was I kidding? My father didn't care about me.

"I bet he wouldn't call me or you if you hadn't called him." I said, scowling.

"Monica..." Nanna sighed and avoided my eye contact.

I got up without another word and took my dishes to the sink. After washing them, I called Alex.

He answered the call on the last ring. "Hello?" He says with a yawn.

"Hey Alex." I said nervously.

"Hey...who is this?" His voice was sleepy and I just knew I woke him up from his sleep.


"Monica?" He must have been really sleepy. I didn't know what to say or do. Oh...this was so awkward....

"Yeah, Monica. Um, you know me from school." I said.

"What is Monica to me? Have we done anything special together?" He asked.

My cheeks flushed. He was definitely messing with me!

"Alex!! I'm not in the mood today." I snapped.

"But you didn't answer my-" He starts.

"Okay! I'm hanging up!" I warn.

"No, no! Don't!" Alex laughed. "Hi Monica!"

I shook my head absent-mindedly before realizing that he couldn't see me. "Apologize."

"What why?!" He asked all innocently.
"Apologize, Alex. "

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