Chapter 22

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Asia and Lexi both looked shocked. It was time to tell the truth, wasn't it?

It was time to tell the truth to them and to myself. I couldn't deny my feelings. I wasn't dumb and I've liked guys before, I knew the butterfly feelings and other annoying feeling you would get when you liked someone. Those feelings were the same exact ones I would get around Alex.

But were my feelings over a boy I've known for a couple of weeks more important than my friendship? I sigh as I looked at my "friends". They both didn't look sorry. They were not even trying to understand how I felt about all of this.

Right now, I felt like choosing Alex over them.

I stood up. "You know, guys, I'm not trying to make this into a big deal. I just want you to understand how you hurt me with that lie. We have a great friendship, I don't want to ruin that over a boy." I said calmly.

"Okay, then why can't you move on already?" Asia asked, rolling her eyes.

I shut my eyes for a second and took a deep breath. This girl was really trying me today. "Because you still aren't sorry. You still don't care about how I feel, or how I felt. You're seriously pissing me off!"

Asia suddenly got up. She leaned towards my face. For the first time that day, her eyes were not calm and collected. Her eyes held an expression of anger now. "This conversation is pissing me off! You know I don't give a crap about how you feel about yesterday. You either forget it or you don't! And if you don't, this friendship," she said moving her index finger between the two of us, "is over. Would you like that, Monica? I don't think you would. You know why? Because if it wasn't for me, you're ugly ass would have been nothing in this school."

A loud gasp escaped my lips, as well as Lexi's. Without thinking, I grabbed my plate of spaghetti and threw it on Asia's face. She shrieked, making everyone's attention turn to us. Some people laughed, others gasped, and others scowled at me.

I was caught off guard, and I didn't notice it when Asia flung her own plate of spaghetti at my face. I stumbled back and tripped over the table's chair. As I fell, I heard more laughter fir me than what I had heard for Asia.

I got up, brushing off some spaghetti. I looked around the cafeteria and saw everyone laughing. No one glared at Asia like they did to me when I threw the spaghetti at her. Thay were all amused. Tears started to form in my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall.

As everyone continued to laugh, I spotted Alex. His face looked apologetic. His eyes looked into mines, and he muttered something. 'Don't mind them', it seemed like he said. I looked away, not caring for his words.

"Silence!" Everyone quieted down. I turned to see one of the school's administrators. oh no, I thought. I was definitely going to get in trouble. That administrator, Mr. Johnson, was merciless.

Mr. Johnson walked towards us. He looked at he mess we have made and shook his head. Looking up, he shook his head at us. "Asia?"

"Yes sir?" She said with innocent eyes. Oh, please.

"I wouldn't have expected this from you. I am disappointed." Mr. Johnson says.

Before Asia could respond, Lexi responded. "It wasn't her fault, sir." I turn and looked at Lexi, who glanced at me for a second. I didn't even look surprise because of course she would stick with Asia.

"Whose fault is it then?" Mr. Johnson asked. Asia and Lexi turned and looked at me. Mr. Johnson looked at me. He raised his eyebrows, as if waiting for my explanation.

"Sir, it was not only my fault. I was the one who first threw the food, but-"

"Let's go." Mr. Johnson turned and pointed at the exit with his thumb. "We'll talk in my office." Asia and Lexi snickered. I frowned and followed Mr. Johnson. I could feel every student in the cafeteria looking at me.

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