Chapter 25

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"Hi everyone!" I yelled as I closed the front door of my house. My dad and his family were all sitting in the living room. Everyone was awake, even little Tiara. My dad and Selena looked at each other, confusingly. They probably were confused as to why I so happily greeted, because I hardly did that, well rarely. But today was different. Today Alex had kissed me.

I smiled at them and soon Selena smiled back. I looked at my dad, but instead of a smile, there was a frown on his face.

"Well, your in a good mood today." Selena said. "Would you like to hold your little sister?"

"Sure," I said as I took my little half sister into my arms, "how are you doing today, Tiara?" I say in a baby voice.

"Monica." My dad's voice suddenly ranged in the house. "Why are you being so joyful today? To keep us from suspecting anything?" His voice was harsh. What was he talking about? I wasn't faking my happiness. I was genuinely happy. For once in his stupid house I was genuinely happy, and he was giving me his stank attitude because of that.

"I'm confused. I'm not trying to hide anything." I say.

"Oh really? Monica, you know I don't do the lying thing. Your school called me today. Apparently you got into a food fight with one of your friends." He shook his head. "A food fight, Monica? That's embarrassing. Your sixteen, not eight. I raised you better than that."

"You mean my mom raised me better than that. " I shot at him. A gasp escaped Selena's lips and my father just stared at me harshly. He walked closer to me. Immediately, I regretted my words. I was about to get spanked. Why didn't I shut my stupid mouth?!

"Monica, you know better than to be disrespectful to me." My father says. "You are in enough trouble, don't get into more."

I nod, but I couldn't fight the urge to roll my eyes. He was simply doing too much. Because, I was right. He did't raise me. He left me and my mother for some stupid reasons. Reasons a father should never leave his child.

"Now, I know your going through a tough time. That doesn't mean you have to do stupid things, Monica. A food fight! For goodness's sake! What in the world possessed you to do such a foolish thing?" My father continued.

He probably didn't even want to know. He probably did't even care.

"Dad, I had a good reason. It was Asia who had made me mad. She did something bad to me, and I tried to explain to her why she shouldn't have done that. She acted as if it was all my fault when she was the only one to blame." I felt annoyed at repeating the whole thing again.

My father didn't look a bit understanding. "So that's why you threw your spaghetti at her?"

I sigh and rolled my eyes. I was getting tired of people saying that word around me.

"Monica!" My father yelled at me. " How many times are you going to be disrespectful to me today?!"

I put Tiara in Selena's arms and said nothing.

"You have done a stupid and foolish thing. Which makes me look a fool, like I didn't raise you good enough."

"That's the thing!" I yelled at him. "You didn't raise me. You left me at the age of fourteen for some stupid reasons, dad!"

He slapped me. I gasped and backed away from him.

"Stop. Disrespecting. Me. Monica. " My father says.

Selena who was sitting on a couch watching this take place, suddenly jumped up, grabbing my shoulders. I shrugged away from him.

"You disrespected me and my mom. So me being disrespectful to you is nothing. Because all I'm doing is telling you the truth." I snapped.

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