Chapter 10

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I cursed under my breath and glanced behind me, to see if Alex was near me. I saw nothing. No shadow, nothing at all- he wasn't near. I sigh as I realized I had to go back and find him.

Why am I even doing this? I thought as I walked back to find Alex.

Because, you're friend wants you too.

The question I needed to ask Alex wasn't very important, but I figured right now was best to tell him. Even though we shared a period in school, it was still best to ask him here. Because, as much as Asia thought we were, Alex and I weren't friends at all. We hardly communicated. He has his friends in the class we shared and ignored me completely. Not that I mind...

I walk in a trance, lost in thought.
So, when I suddenly heard, "boo!", my life literally flashed before my eyes.

I turned around, and for the second time that day, found myself looking into Alex's deep, dark, beautiful eyes. I shot him a glare and he laughed.

I took a deep breath and tried not to faint as his deep, handsome laugh filled my ears. "I came here to apologize, but you're certainly not making it easy." I muttered. He stopped laughing and gave me a sincere look of regret.

"I'm sorry-" he started.

I huffed. "I was suppose to apologize first."

Alex smirked. "I guess ladies aren't first in everything. And on to what I was're just so funny when you're mad." He finished with a wide grin.

I crossed my arms. I hated when people told me that I'm funny when I'm upset. When you're mad, you should be taken seriously, not hilariously.

Alex pointed at my face. "See, there it goes again." He said and laughed gently.

"Really, you're making it hard to say sorry." I muttered again.

"You just said that." He pointed out. I shot him a glare, and he finally stopped laughing. He took a deep breath and made a straight face, acting as if he was trying his hardest not to crack up.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry, okay? I get really mad when I'm embarrassed." I mutter.

Alex sticks both of his hands in his Jean's pockets. "That was the best apology I've heard in ages." He says almost souding genuine.

I sighed, realizing this guy's harder to handle than I thought.

A silence passed between us. Yes, it wasn't uncomfortable.

Then he interrupted the silence by saying, "I feel like you came back here to say more than just sorry."

He looked straight at me with a questioning look on his face. I sighed again.

"Yeah, there is." I said calmly. You're doing this for your best friend, Monica. "So there's this party at my friend Asia's house. And I was wondering if you wanted to go." I finished rapidly.

Alex stayed silent for a while and my heart starts to beat frantically. If he says no, this is going to be so embarrassing.

Finally, he speaks. "So this is like a date or something." He said in a matter of fact tone. If it wasn't for my darkish skin, my cheeks would be the exact shade of crimson.

"No-o... My friend wanted me to invite you to her party. I'm not asking you on...a date!"

He shrugged. "Sorry for my accusations, miss." I mentally slapped my head. I look up to find him staring at me. I feel my cheeks get warm. Stupid teenage hormones!

"You're just so funny." He says.

"You know, if it wasn't from you, that would be a compliment." I said.

Alex put his right hand on his chest, his eyes straight ahead with a look of hurt...fake hurt.

"When a beautiful girl is just so mean to you." He said with mock pain in his deep, sexy voice.

Why is his compliments always mixed with insults?

"So you never answered my question. The party or not?" I asked, impatiently. Alex sighed, giving me a look annoyance.

"Fine, I'll come, pretty lady. I'll come just to see your pretty, angry little face." He said, chuckling.

See, there goes the compliment-mixed-insults!

"Okay, but don't call me pretty lady." I said rolling my eyes. Boys and their cheesy lines. That game didn't work.

"Okay, beautiful woman." He replied causally. Boys and their cheesy lines. That game was working. I blushed.

"Are you always this annoying?" I ask him. He aeemed pretty decent earlier.  Maybe it wouldn't be hard to let go of this little attraction. But then he laughed that melodious laugh of his.

We walk around the park in silence for a while. Until I hear a loud sound of thunder. We look up at the dark sky to find drops of rain falling silently unto the ground.

"Oh shoot, its raining!" I groan. Alex suddenly sticks his tongue out into the wet air. He laughs like an excited little boy as the rain falls on his tongue and around him. I can't help but laugh at his silly expression.

The park was not far from my home but I needed to get home quick. Selena hated when I came home wet from the rain and I couldn't let my hair-which was still straightened- get frizzy.

"I got to hurry up any get home. Bye, Alex." I said awkwardly. He stared at me blankly for a second than shook his head.

"You think I'm gonna let a beautiful woman like you walk alone in this rain? That ain't right." He said genuinely. My heart literally fluttered at his words. How was one moment this boys completely annoying and the best, he's charming as-

Alex suddenly grabs my arm as the thunder roars even louder.

"Let's get you home." He says.

"Alex, what about you?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes. "About me? You'll learn soon enough."

I just can't help the blush that spreads to my cheeks.

Alex lets go of my hand and slips his jacket off. He slides it on my shoulders and the smell of vanilla immediately hits me.

"Why does this smell like vanilla?" I ask. Really, you could have said "thank you", Monica.

Alex takes my hand in his firm warm one, sending warmth throughout my arm despite the cool, wet temperature around us.

He itches his head with his other hand, looking slightly embarrassed. "Uhh... my sister." I gave him a confused look. I forgot all about my question when his hand touched mines. "The vanilla scent." He reminded me.


With my hand in his, we run all the way to my house, before the rain gets way worse.

Finally, we get there. I slip Alex's warm jacket off my shoulders and hands it to him. I give him a bright and wide smile.

"Thank you, Alex."

My heart can't help but perform a summersault-one better than my own body could ever do- at his next words.

"Anything for you, beautiful woman."

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