Chapter 9

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I hope I can finally publish this part. I had to rewrite this part for the longest, cause wattpad here kept deleting it.

But whatever, let's get to the important stuff...

Look, you need to hurry up! I thought as I looked directly at the stupid clock. My whole body was hurting. I was just so tired, and I needed to let my body fall unto my big, cozy bed.

But, it was only 6:00. I got off work at 8. And it was horribly busy. Customers filled every corner of the small store. I couldn't get off work earlier than eight since it was so freaking busy.

I had no idea what was going on in these customer's heads. I mean, Missy's Collection was busier than when we had sales during the summer. I didn't get why people wanted to buy so much clothes now when summer vacation was been over.

Oh well, at least I get my paycheck.

I sigh. Missy was around the dress section of the store. She was helping a customer pick between two Calvin Klein dresses. The other customers didn't look like they needed much help, so I stayed behind the cashier counter and waited for someone to pay for their purchase.

The shop's front door opened and I looked at it and saw Alex's little sister, Cindy walk in. Maybe, Alex was here too. The thought caused my heart to do a flop before I could stop it.

But fortunately...and unfortunately, Cindy walked in alone. I smiled at her and she waved.

I looked around to see if anyone was heading to pay, but no one was, so I decided to go help Cindy.

"What are you looking for?" I asked Cindy politely.

She shrugged. "Pants." She said and picked out two blue jeans. One had sparkles on it, and the other was plainer. "Which one is better?"

I pointed at the plainer one, only because it would fit Cindy's skinny body way better than the sparkly one. Cindy nodded and checked the plain jean's price tag. Then, she frowned as she read the price.

I looked over Cindy's shoulder and saw the price. "If its too much, we can use a coupon on it." I told her, trying to lighten up her mood. But her mood seemed to only get worse.

She threw the pair of jeans away and stomped away. What's her problem?

"You made her mad?" Missy said from behind me, with a deep frown on her face. She had a huge thing on getting customers upset. Knowing her, I knew I could be fired right this second.

" I don't think so." I took a deep breath. You're not going to get fired, stupid. "She saw the price and got upset. I don't know why." Wow, good going Monica.

Missy crossed her arms and frowned at me. I looked at the ground. "I'm not lying! I mean, I told her she could use a coupon on it." You still sound stupid, Monica. Just shut up!

Missy shook her head. "Fine, Monica." She pointed at the cashier, where customers were heading to. "Just don't let it happen again." I nodded and walked to the cashier.

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