Chapter 11

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Ding, ding! Ding, ding!

The alarm on my phone ranged, waking me up. It was Monday morning, the start of another boring week of boring school.

I slowly got off my bed, with my eyes closed. I forgot that I had left my book bag on the floor, next to my bed. And, so, I tripped over it and fell on my bedroom's floor with a loud thud.

Suddenly, I wasn't so sleepy anymore. I groaned and touched my throbbing forehead.

The door quickly opened and I found Selena behind it.

"Monica, are you alright?" She asked, concerned look.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I simply said and gave her a small reassuring smile.

Ever since I found Selena crying, we haven't really spoke. And she bothered me to watch over Tiara less.

"Okay." Selena said and walked away. I sigh and went into my bathroom. Just because Selena was bothering me less and I had found her crying, didn't make me like her more than before.

I probably seemed cold hearted, but it's pretty hard to like someone who took away from you what you most loved and needed.

Which is my father.

After my mom died, I needed someone to hold on into, to hug me, to hold me while I cry to sleep, to love me.

But that never happened. Because all my father thought about was his new family.

A silent tear slid from my eye. Where was my mother when I needed her? Without her, I felt as if I had no family left, except for Nanna.


"Beautiful woman, how are you?" I heard a deep and familiar voice say from the classroom's door. I looked up and saw Alex.

Immediately, I slapped my forehead and groaned. "Don't call me that. Not in here." I pointed around the classroom.

He came around and sat on a desk next to me. "So I can call you that anywhere except here?" He asked. I nodded slowly, unsure if I was making the right decision by agreeing to his words.

I knew I made the wrong one when he grinned. "Okay then. I think I can do that."

Our teacher walked in after the later bell rang and finally started the lesson. I zone out and stared at Alex who was focused on the lesson.

I couldn't help but wonder how could a sixteen year old boy be this handsome. It was unusual, when thinking about the below average looking boys at my school. Even Trevor, who I use to think was the best looking guy on the planet, was nothing compared to Alex.

Alex suddenly turned his face around, catching my eye and my staring. He winked. And my face heated up.


"So?" Asia asked me.

I looked at her, deeply confused. "So what?" I asked. Asia rolled her eyes.

"So, did you ask him to come to the party?" She asked. Now, I rolled my eyes.

"Yes." I answered with a small smirk, knowing my non informative answers were driving her nuts.

Asia looked like she wanted to strangle me. "So is he coming or nah?!" She almost yelled. I chuckled and then nodded. She sat back and took a deep breath. Then stuck her hands out and screamed out "YES!!!"

Lexi and I couldn't hep but burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

When we stopped laughing, I notice Alex was passing by. I nudge Asia and she immediately stopped when she noticed him. Her face quickly went from joy to neutral. She ate her salad and looked almost bored, her chin resting on her left hand.

I silently chuckled at Asia's act. Alex was nearing our table. He was speaking to one of his friends. Then his friend turned away and spoke to someone else, leaving Alex alone. He looked around and his eyes landed on mines and the corners of his mouth lifted up to a wide smile.

I smiled back at him. He finally was right next to our lunch table. His eyes were still on mines, sending butterflies flying into my belly.

Before he could pass by our table, he stopped. Out of his mouth came the words, "hey, beautiful woman." The butterflies in my belly instantly became dread as I looked back at Asia and Lexi.

Whose faces were filled with shock, disappointment, and then anger.

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